Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 12, 2015


  Yesterday, I walked one mile for about fifteen minutes. My dad and my sister also went with me, but they didn't walk with me. After I've finished one mile, my dad ran one round the resident area. We didn't watch movie last night because it was already too late. I was so sleepy that night that after I read a book and turned off the light, I sleep almost immediately. 

  This morning, I walked for one mile in about fifteen minutes.  When I got home, my dad and I realized that I should have walked for three miles. In history, I have Test 2. The test was five pages, and I finished it quite quickly. The only question that I didn't remember that who developed the idea of democracy in Greece, which I later found out that it was Solon; but I did remember Pericles. Pericles is the one who enforced the idea of democracy. In science, I learned about the skin. The skin is a system that I don't remember it's name right now, but maybe I'll remember later. Epidermis was the upper part. The epidermis consist of dead skin cells and skin cells that's alive. The dead skin cells was above the skin cells that's alive. The next layer is the dermis. The dermis have receptors and hair folicles and nerves. The last layer is the subcutaneous layer. There're fats and blood vessels there. In language, I review about the punctuations. We did Exercise A and B. We have to but ending marks like periods, question marks, or exclamation points in Exercise A. In Exercise B, we have to underline or put punctuations at the end or in the middle of the sentences like commas, apostrophes, hyphens, periods, exclamation points, question points, semicolons, and colons. In matematic, I learned about solving problem strategy. One of the questions is what is the sum of 1+2+3 and so on until we reached 99. The way to do it is to find how many pairs of 100 then add them all together, but 50 doesn't have any pair so we add them to all the pairs of 100 added together. In Bible, we learned about the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth plague of Egypt. Tomorrow, I'll learn about the tenth plague. I already now what the tenth plague is for Mr. Ender already told us, and I've learned about it before. The tenth plague is all the first-born of any house that doesn't have the spotless lamb's blood on the doorway. Today, I've complished my guitar practicing goal with God's help. I've done ten times with 92% or more with speed of 64 over 117. I and my dad today walked for three miles because I forgot to walk for three miles this morning. We walked three miles for about 43 minutes, and the goal is 46 minutes. Tonight is my day to watch movie. I intended to watch the rest of the movie Regular Show: The Movie. 

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