Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 12, 2015


  Last Friday, I went to my friends', Quan and Quang, house. I intended to went to their house on Friday so I could have a goodbye party for my Bible teacher. My parents were going to my mom's parent's house for my mom's aunt gonna have a wedding for her son, and my dad was asked to drive the car. Our Bible teacher that taught us Bible every Friday said that she'll take us for lunch on last Saturday, but she doesn't come so we just played iPad and watched movies there. I got there on a bus. My dad took me to the bus station. I get on a bus from there and got to my friends' house. It rained a little when I waited at the bus station. I got to my frineds' house about 6:00 pm, and it has stopped raining by then. Shortly after my arrival, we have dinner there. After dinner, we played iPad until we're bored and watched movies. 

  Last Saturday, I woke up pretty early. I don't know why, but I always woke up earlier than normal when I'm at Quan and Quang's house. They have to went to school that morning. They were supposed to be at school the whole day, but the Bible teacher were supposed to take us for lunch so they got home at noon. The teacher didn't come, as I have already said, so we stayed. Home and watched movies then have lunch at their house. We watched movies and played iPad until it was 3:00 pm. At 3:00 pm, Quan and Quang's dad told us to help him to take stuffs to the place that our church celebrated Christmas. Quan have to carried a speaker, I carried two smaller speakers and my backpack, and Quang carried some wires. When we got there, I recharged my iPad immediately. After some people sang songs and told others about how their life was before they know Christ, I came up and sang "Amazing Grace" in English. I think that I didn't sang so good, and I also think I sang too quietly. Next was Quan and Quang's whole family went up to sing "Silent Night". We later have lunch there. 

This morning, I almost completed my walking goal. I walked for 3 miles for nearly 47 minutes. I also failed the guitar practice goal today. I've practiced for an hour and a half and don't get a single one that's 76% or more. Tomorrow's goal was to have 10 times 76% or more at the speed of 102. 

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