Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 12, 2015


  Yesterday, there're Star War Episode IV on Disney, but I didn't watched it because I'm watching Lego Bionicle on iPad then. Now, they're airing Star War Episode V on Disney. I also watched a video about a commander of US Special Operation Fore or something making a speech at the graduation of a university with my dad. He said about the training of SEAL. 

  Today, I learned about the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire.  The Eastern Roman Empire fall because it foundation was on too much violence and the Germanic tribes also attacked them. The Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Franks, and Vandals were the Germanic tribes that attacked the Roman Empire. The Romans have tried to attacked the German tribes before, but they failed to conquered them. The Romans admired the way of the Germanic tribes. Few years after, Huns lead by Attila attacked the Germanic tribes. The Huns conquered the Ostrogoths. The Visigoths knew that they would be next, so they asked the Romans to got into their empire. So much Visigoths came in so much that the Romans government started to mistreated the Visigoths. The Visigoths was so angry that they started to uprising against the Roman Empire. The Eastern Roman Empire eventually fell in the fourth century A.D. In science, I learned about the nutrients in foods. Was learned about starches, or carbon hydrate. Starches were broken down inside the digestive system to sugars. Fibers was polysaccharides just as starches, but fibers were more complicated than starches so they can't be digested. Fibers help cleaned our alimentery canal. Oils were classified as water. The white flour that we usually eat were first introduced to America in 1837 in a World Fair at Vienna by the governor of Minnesota. The white flour wasn't good for us because they don't have as much nutrients as the whole wheat, because they've removed the germ and the bran of the wheat. Not all dark bread are whole wheat. Some molasses were added to make the bread darker like whole wheat bread. In language, I learned about complements. Complements complete sentences. They usually appeared in sentence that have a liking verb. In mathematic, I learned about the way to find the amount after decreased or increased by percents. We don't have Bible lesson today. Today, I still failed at the guitar practice goal. The goal was to have 15 times 90% or more in 45 minutes or more at the speed of 88. Tomorrow, the goal was to have 15 times 74% or more for 45 minutes or more at full speed. 

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