Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 12, 2015


  Yesterday, my dad and I didn't watch Star Wars. Instead, I watched YouTube a little bit then read a science book.  I read the book until about 10:15 pm, and then I played Lego little bit before went to bed. 

  Today, I have to walked 3 miles for 46 minutes or less, but I didn't completed the goal. I walked 3 miles for 47:47 minutes. My dad and I were supposed to walked 3 miles for 46 minutes or less tonight, but it rained; so we stayed home and not walk. In history, I learned about the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages started about the year of 500 to 1500. The Middle Ages started at the fall of Rome. I learned that the national leaders used the distortions of Christianity to rise to power, but the distortions of Christianity also resulted the rise and fall nation and empires of Europe. In science, I still learned about nutrients. I learned about vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are from living things like animals and plants. Minerals are substances that came from the earth and things that made the earth. There're vitamin A, B complex, C, D, and K. There're eight B vitamins, yet, there're vitamin B 12. I don't know how they were named, but I think that their name were based on their stucture. In language, I learned about sentence fragments. Fragments are groups of words that don't make a complete thought. We also learned about how to fix a fragment. We have to add more words to make the fragments completed, or connect two fragments that might make a complete thought. In mathematic, I learned how to find the percentage. To find a percentage, we changed the percent to a decimal, then multiplied the percent by the base. For example, to find the percentage in 20% of 250, we changed 20% to .20 then multiplied by 250. The answer was 50. In Bible, I learned about how God provided foods the the Israelites while they're in the wilderness. In the early morning, God sent breads from Heaven, or manna. Manna was a word in the Hebrews language that meant "what is this?" In the afternoon, God sent them thousands upon thousands of quails. The quails flew so low and slow that the Israelites could catch them with their bare hand. Today, I completed the guitar practice goal that I've made yesterday for today. The goal was to have 15 times 74% or more for 45 minutes or more at the full speed. I also did all the jobs I have to do like, take clothes of the line, learned new English words, practiced guitar, and lift weights. My dad taught me how to use a programming language called Python, and I think I did pretty well. Tonight my dad and I gonna watch Star Wars Episode 1. The guitar practice goal tomorrow was to have 15 times 75% or more at full speed

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