Today was the last day of the year so happy new year. Today, I have Bible content exam. Some names that I don't will make mostly of the error that's on my content exam. In history, I learned about the religion of Islam. Islam was started by Mohammed. He claimed that the angel Gabriel came to him one day and told him to write Gabriel's word as a the Bible called Koran. Mohammed said that he was the last prophet of Allah, the God of Islam. He also said that the previous prophets are Adam, Noah, Morses, and, surprisingly, Jesus. He said that Allah was the same God of Christians, only that Christians misunderstood Allah. The Islam empire even reached the Pyrenees mountains and possessed most of Spain in Europe. The Islam have their first defeat at the Battle of Tours. In science today, I continued to learn about creation science, or should I say started to. I don't remembered that have I learned about creation science yesterday. We learned about few people. A Christian scientist said that when we looked at a clock, we see that it was designed and have purpose. Another man that doesn't believed God published a book called The Blind Watchmaker. The book said that the watchmaker designed the watch without a design and purpose, and the look that it was designed was just a illusion. I reviewed in mathematic today because in the next lesson, we'll have a nine weeks exam on mathematic. The review was quite long. It have like 4 pages. In language, we still learned about complements. We also have Language quiz 7 and Speed and Comprehension quiz 6. The CQ6 was about William Tell, the hero in Swiss legend. William Tell was the hero of the Swiss because he inspired the people to uprise against Austria that had conquered Switzerland by that time.
I also forget the James Bond theme rhytm, but, once again, I remembered it again now. I could played Jingle Bells pretty good when I played it slowly. I walked with my dad longer than usual. We usually walked 8 rounds around the apartment buildings, but we walked 10 rounds today for my dad's walking score wasn't high enough. Tomorrow, I'll have a day off. I'll learned Python and try to make cookies. We still gonna go to church tommorrow.