Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 1, 2017


  Last Saturday, I downloaded a new game through Steam for my computer, Fistful of Frags. This game's home looks like it was developed by Valve. It was kind of like Six-Guns merged with a Counter Strike game. After we respond, we only have 20 seconds or so to buy weapon. The game is set in the old wild West where there's cowboys and stuffs. The multiplayer consists of four different teams. All of those teams fight the other team like a Free For All game mode. The weapon that I like to use the most is a double barrel shotgun. It costs $35 dollars. This weapon does much damage in close range. Pistols could only shoot in close range. The rifle had quite a good range, however, it doesn't have crosshair, and it have only one bullet every time you reload, with the exception of the
Winchester. Another gun that I like to use, Mag's Leg, was pretty good. The only thing that I'm questioning about is does it have spray bullets. However, this game is hard, players keep spawning randomly, making it hard for team mates to follow each other. And, somehow, it always looks like I'm the least skilled player. Usually, in a 10 minutes game, I only got two kills. The spguns of our enemies usually disappeared after we killed them. However, if you are able to knock the weapon off their hands, we could equip it. In the singleplayer, we usually have a box which was could choose a pistol, a rifle, a portable bottle of whiskey, or an axe. We can't buy weapon, but, as in multiplayer, we could take the enemies' weapon if we knocked them off the enemies' hands. There are some supply drop. One thing that sucks in this game is we only have one life. That means if we die once, the game is over.

  On Sunday, my family and our aunt's family went to our grandparents' house. I was able to talk with my friends on Facebook a lot.

I just found out today that the third volume of Spice and Wolf. There are also seven volumes of Good Job Club. I intended that after I received the money which I will earn after I worked at my parents' fair, I will buy it through the internet.

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