Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 1, 2017


  "I'm shot!" That's what pull Jason out of his pondering. They are engaging the Zvenians fleet. Four hundreds years ago, humankind had developed spaceships capable of travelling faster than light speed with a small amount of fuel. Not long after that, they discovered another alien civilization, the Zvenians. Since then, the two races are fighting for domination. The Zvenians looks quite like human, except they are two meters high, with blue skin and red eyes. Their fleet is strong in fire power, but they can't out-maneuver the Terran's fleet.

  The Zvenians fleets are winning. Jason, commander of the 154th Star Fighter Squadron, is doing his best to try to protect the until the reinforcement come. Admiral Dean Fragan was on board of the Relentless. He was also trying to survive. On the Relentless was the valuable document of the Zvenians bases.

  "Enemies fighters are engaging," said the another pilot. "Fire at will," hollered Jason. "Hold on guys, the reinforcement going to arrive in a few minutes." But suddenly, out of the hyperspace, came what they fear the most. "Damn it! Their Death Ray Carrier is here. All fighters, split up. If one shot hits you, it will also hit another fighter near-by."

  "The Reinforcement has arrived!" Admiral Fragan said. Fresh new fighters are now engaging the Zvenians. "Let's push them back, boys," said Jason. "Watch out!" But before the Death Ray Carrier could shoot, the XS-23 bombers had destroyed it. "Good job, Nathan." Nathan, the pilot of the XS-23 bomber that just rescued them, was Jason's friend back in the Star Fleet Academy. The Zvenians finally retreated. "Look how fast they run!" "We've beat them bad!" Jason was happy, but he knew this isn't the last time tphe will saw them. The war will go on. Nobody knows when it going to end. But he knew, that as long as he lives, he will fight. 

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