Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 12, 2016


  Let's continue talking about the new game that I downloaded but can't play because the computer was unable to load the game after it had finished loading the match, Planetary Annihilation. The game's launch trailer's music is good unto my ears. I like its trailer. I remembered this following sentence from the game. "Sentient war machines, relics of a galaxy in turmoil, set out to finish the mission of their predecessors, to annihilate everything." That's what the trailer said before the epic part of the song. I was thinking about using that song, without the speech in it,of course, as the theme song for a Lego Bionicle MOC series if I ever created one. I was wishing that in Canada, there are many people who wants to do the samw thing so I could work with them to produce a series. Of course, these are just fantasies that came to my mind when I was sleep. When I was sleepy, I usually find myself thinking that everything is possible. I even think about writing a book. Usually, I thought about the part after I have succeed, not how to make it possible. Anyway, since I can't play Planetary Annihilation, I will still continue playing Robocraft, War Thunder, and No More Rooms in Hell. But I don't think I'll play Robocraft as much as the other two games because since the developers of Robocraft make it possible for low level players to play with high level players, I felt the exact feeling I felt when I play games like Dota or League of Legend everytime I play Robocraft, the frustration of keep on dying. War Thunder might be good. NMRH is also good. I die less in both of those game tha pn in Robocraft. I might say that I starts to play War Thunder pretty good now. I die only about three or four times in a game. Actually, I think it was two or three since I only have four planes; and if a plane got shot down without a back up one, I can't use it for that match anymore. Oh, and by the way, when I play Robocraft last Saturday, I finally received the robits as the seasonal reward. I got more than 26,000 robits. And after I sold a few other pieces, I finally got enough robits to buy the Ion Distorter. It was like a shotgun. Unfortunately, I don't have enough thrusters to make my robot go fast to use with the Ion Distorter. Next Saturday, I will reduce Planetary Annihilation's graphic so it might be able to play.

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