Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 12, 2016


  Let's talk about one of the greatest moments in game of Jacksepticeye. Jack and one of his friends, both are playing Rocket League, were in an underwater map. Jacksepticeye suddenly saw a whale and told his friend to look up. While Jack is looking at the whale and his friend finding that whale, the enemy team rushed to the ball. They kicked the ball toward Jack's goal, and the ball bounced back toward their goal. The result is Jack's team got a score. They literally didn't even move. All they did is just sitting there, trying to find the whale. And boom. They scored a goal.

  Recently, in history, the things that we are learning is really boring. We are learning about arts and literature of America in the 1800s. What annoyed me more is that we have to remember all those authors and painters. And there's tons of them. Each have just a small part of information. Unlike Ullysses S. Grant or Andrew Jackson, we hardly ever gonna mention them later. And most of the authors only got a sentence of information about them. Think of how freaking long the chapter is compare the information of each author. Think of all those names you have to remember. What I am really interested in is war. History of war it is. Most of what I read before I learn on my own will is about war. I don't care what war it is. It might be Spanish-Ameran War, World War II, Korean War; and I still gonna read it. But not literature and art. I like books, ok. But I don't like to know about books that I don't like. And how songs? Sure, there is some that I like. But not all old country music songs. If there're any country music song that I know it is a country music and I like it, then it was Oh, Susanna.

  Anyway, let's talk a bit about games. One of my friends, whom I used to play atWar with, just downloaded one of my first Steam game, Team Fortress 2. He haven't played it. Unfortunately, I can't play with him this weekend because I was three hours before him and when he could play, I can't. But I might tried to persuade another friend of mine, whom also played atWar, to download TF2. He was only one hour behind me, so we might be able to play together.

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