Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 12, 2016


  Yesterday, I sent the redeem code of the game that I can't play because it wasn't available for Linux, Deep Dungeons of Doom, to Jacksepticeye. He haven't respond yet, maybe because he haven't checked his Yahoo account yet. But it would be great if he made at least a video using that game that I sent him the code.

  Ok, now let's talk about what I did on Christmas. I woke up late. And by late, I mean later than the last day, which is Saturday. On Saturday, I woke up at about 6:50 am. But I didn't get off bed until 7:30 am. The reason I woke up early because get off bed later on Saturday is because I was so anxious to play War Thunder on my computer. And I don't want to wait long until 8:00 am, which was the time I'm allowed to play. Anyway, back to Christmas day. Not much is interesting in the morning. In the afternoon, hiwever, there's quite a bunch of notable things. We went to our Christmas celebration of our church at 2:00 pm. We picked up our cousins and doesn't got there until 3:30 pm. I waited for a while until most of the people arrived. It took quite a time for the others in our group to arrive. And by our group, I mean kids in the church that was in teen and preteen age. What sucks is that there's no wifi there. The only two games I could play is Injustice: Gods Among Us and Plants Vs Zombies. One good thing about Injustice that they no longer required challenge points to play the Challenge. In this challenge, we were fighting to get Rebirth Raven, which looks like an anime character with her pink color hair. And I'm not the only one who thinks so. Even my friends thinks so too. Anyway, one of my friends borrowed another book of the Baka to Tesuto to Shoukanjuu series again. This is the third book of the series. I gave her two weeks to finished it. But I think it was a little bit too excessive. It only took at least about three or four days, which is a week because she also go to the church, which meets once every week.

  The beans which I used for my Science Fair Project seems all died. I think I will make another group.

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