Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 1, 2016


  Yesterday, we didn't watch movie on iPad because it was too late. We have a family meeting yesterday, too. We forgot to bought food for the family meeting so there's only some cookies that a lady at our church gave us. I watched some videos uploaded by the channel AweWe in a series called Reforged. The people in there were blacksmiths. They made weapons from videos games, movies, cartoon, and many episodes movie. The weapons they made from the videos that I watched were from Assasin's Creeds, Lords of the Ring, Predator, and Star Wars. I also watched a video about the origin of General Grevious in Star Wars. Grevious was a general of a tribe. He was the greatest warrior. When he was sent to do a mission on a spaceship, he was shot down and was severely injured. He was taken to Geonesis. There, he was transformed into a cyborg. He was trained by Count Dooku, also known as Darth Tyrannus. 

  Today, I learned about feudalism in the Middle Ages in history. We learned about kings such as Charles Martel, Pepin the Short, and Charlemagne. Those king were powerful kings because that asked the popes to helped them. The church benefited from this by getting more lands, and the kings benefited because the popes threatened to excommunicated those who disagreed with the kings. It was quite like the kings in Mesopotamia. The kings of Mesopotamia claimed that they was chosen ro be king by the god of that city. By saying that the god the city choose them, others think that if they rebelled against the king, the god would be angry with them and punished them. I learned about the part where the Israelites got to the Mt. Sinai in Bible in today. There, God gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments. I haven't got to the part where the Israelites disobeyed God and built an idol. 

  Today, I've completed Python to 47%. I also learned two new picking songs. I learned Amazing Grace and My Heart Will Go On. Tonight, my dad and I gonna watched movie on iPad. 

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