Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 1, 2016


  Yesterday, I watched I Am Legend by myself because my dad was busy. The movie was set in the year of 2012. In 2009, scientists have developed a a cure for cancer that was made from measle virus. But after three years, ninety percents of the world died. Nine percents were turned into monster like people, turned mad by the virus; and the rest were normal people. The infected people can't go handle ultraviolet rays. Will Smith acted as Dr. Robert. At the first day when the virus goes wrong, Robert took his family to evacuate while he stayed and find the cure. When his family had already gotten into the helicopter, the infected people attacked another helicopter that crashed into his family's helicopter. One day, his dog ran into a house. When Robert ran into the house the find his dog, he found a bunch of infected. Before that, he had successfully test a serum on a rat. So after he escaped the house, he trapped another infected to try the serum; but the infected almost died. Later, he had a fight with some infected. When his dog was trying to save him, he got infected. So Robert had to kill him. He was so sad and lonely that he used his car to rammed some infected and almost got killed if not of another survivor. The other survivor took him back to his house. The infected followed him home and attacked him. When he hide in the basement, he realized that the infected that he tested on was the cure. So he took her blood and hands it into the other survivor and let that survivor to escaped to the survivor's colony in Vermont while he kill himself and the infected with the grenade. The movie didn't have many action so it was quite boring. The movie ended when it was about 11:00 pm. That is when I started to go to bed. My mom said that she thought that I played the song Godfather wrong. At night, she borrowed my guitar to tried her way to play the song. Oh, I remembered a video where Smoshgame crew read mean comments of their picture with the paper that read "Roast Me". One mean comment was of Jovenshire. The comment said,"You look like Jovenshire in Smoshgame. Hope you done have his voice." It was funny when Joven read that. It was so ironic. 

  Today, I didn't learned Python vecause it wasn't the day to learn yet. I did practiced guitar. I practiced two songs, Happy Birthday and Godfather. I improved two lego MOC guns, the pistol and the sniper rifle. I also made a staff that could attach a saw into it. I got the idea from a video game on Pewdiepie's video. I also improve the weapon of another MOC. I decided to name that moc Savij, the Old Empire Knight. I just think of his name. The name was from the word savage. Maybe I'll listed my MOC's here. There's Savij, Blize, Fobes Zeros, Tarkus Zeros were just some MOCs which I have named and thought of their name. My dad dad bought a RaspberryPi, and I got to go with him. I'm so excited to assemble the RaspberryPi so we could watch movie on TV without downloading it down on the USB. Tomorrow, we'll assembled it so we could watch movie on Internet from the TV. My dad also went to The Gioi Gi Dong to buy memory card for RaspberryPi. When we were there, we saw the iPad Pro. It was quite big.


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