Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 1, 2016


  Yesterday, I felt a little sleepy so I slept a little bit early. I have a sore mouth, sore throat, and stuffy nose. My stuffy nose made it harder for me to sleep at night. 

  This morning, I succeeded in walking two miles in 36 minutes or less. When I started to learn, I felt tired. Maybe because the stuffy nose made it harder to sleep last night and made me feel as if I'm sick.       I learned history and grammar this morning. In history, I learned that the church in Middle Ages didn't allowed the people to owned Bible. They feared that peoplewill know the truth and they won't listened and followed the curch anymore. John Wycliff had translated the Bible, but the church established Council of Toulouse to banned the use of Bibles for everyone. There are people who withdrew from the world and might torture themselves because they believed that would please God. They also promised that they won't marry anyone. That act is called monasticism. Monks and nuns worked in monasteries. Friars were people who told the Scripture to other people. Hermits were monk who lived in the wilderness. When I finished grammar, I went to bed because I felt very tired. I slept until it was 12:30 pm. After lunch, I tried to learn science. The topic today is about science project. We won't actually do the project. We just wrote background paper, problem paper, hypothesis paper, and procedures paper as if we're gonna really do it. After science, I still felt tired so I slept again until 5:30 pm. When I woke up, I read books a little bit. I read the first book to the series Skulduggery Pleasant. I believed that I already described this series before. Today, I finally completed the section Battleship in Python. The problem I have in this was that I don't know how to change the place that I have already chosen. My dad told my to read from the beginning while he went to walk for the second time. I don't have to go because I still felt tired. When my dad came home, I still haven't completed that, so my parents ate dinner first. When I finally got to the place where I have to do, it jumped to the next lesson. My dad told me to continued, but I got to the part where I need to complete the previous one to continue. I did figured out a way to resume the place I needed to learn. Finally, I wrote,"board[guess_row][guess_col]='X'" to make a O changed into a X in the place where I have already chosen. Finally, I finished with the Battleship; and I felt great. I was very happy because I finally finished it. It was so hard,  yet I still completed it. 

  Tomorrow, I have to learned lesson 50 mathematic and Bible with lesson 51 history, science, grammar, mathmetic, and Bible. I also have to practiced guitar and particed 6% more in Python. 

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