Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 1, 2016


  Yesterday, we didn't watch any movie. Partly because it was too late. We didn't try to active the RaspberryPi, either. I read the biography of David Livingstone late at night until eleven o'clock pm. David's dad was against science because he believed in God. But David still read science books. One day, David went almost across Scotland to meet an author of a science book. The author told him that sometime science might be wrong because man might make mistakes, but the Bible is true because God is perfect. Since then, he understood that science might be wrong. 

  Today, I learned about Martin Luther in history. He was the one who started the Protestant. We had language and literature test today, and both of them were test four. I had few questions that I don't remembered in literature test. In mathematic, I learned to multiply compound measures. To do so, we just multiply them like normal; then, we convert them to the so it would be appropriate. We continued to learn about the tabernacle in Bible today. We had already learned about the Holy Room and the courtyard along with the furniture in the tabernacle. Today, we learned about The Holy of Holies. It was the smallest room of all the rooms of the tabernacle. That room was facing the North, and only the high priest could enter the room once a year on the Day of Atonement. If a priest touched the veil separating the room, God will instantly kill him. In the Holy of Holies were the Ark of Covenant. On top of it was two pure golden angels. It was called the Mercy Seat. On the Day of Atonement, the high priest will came in and sprinkled the blood on the Mercy Seat. 

  I still made some improvements on the lego sniper rifle. I also made few changes on some MOCs. The Python lessons wasn't so easy. The first few lessons were easy, but the later ones were harder. It was easier to find the prime numbers of the numbers that was from zero to that number. The one that I have problem with was to print out the multiplication tables up to twelve that means the on, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, then, eleven, and twelve multiplication tables. My dad had successfully connecting the wifi to the RaspberryPi. I found some Python games on the program made for Raspberry, but that wasn't the best thing that I've found out. The best that I've found on Raspberry was MinecraftPi. It was a minecraft game for Raspberry. I can't wait until the time when I could actually play it. I always wanted to play Minecraft. That game was so amazing. We were survivors trying to survive on an island. We could build houses, weapons, tools, and boats. We could also plants crops and raise farm animals. I like that game so much that my favorite type videos of Smosh were Minecraft. 

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