Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 1, 2016


  Yesterday, my parents and little sister went to anticipate the offline meeting of Lam Cha Me, my parents' company. I stayed home alone. I tried to invite my friends to my home, but they wasn't home so I entertained myself. I watched TV until I'm bored watching TV and changed to watching YouTube. I watched Smoshgame, Pewdiepie, and Lego Bionicle MOCs on YouTube. Pewdiepie doesn't released as much videos as he used to be. There's a video where Pewds used photos and upload it on a app on a website for the website to find the person's age and judge how hot the person is. The website found Pewds' age correctly and categorized him as Godlike level of hot. He also tried on other youtubers. His girlfriend also got a Godlike; so does Pewds' face on a fat guy's body. He applied a pretty famous man, and the web can't identified his face. When Pewds applied a Audi car, the website could identified the face. He applied Hitler's face, and it was in the middle. When he added the potato on Hitler's face, it said Godlike, and Pewds quit. I think that was funny. Pewds' face was so funny at the moment when Pewds realized that the potato on Hitler was on the same level as him. XD. My family and I went out to eat dinner at Aeon Mall. At first, we intended to eat fried beef; but we finally changed our mind and ate dinner at Domino Pizza. We ordered an Extravaganzza pizza, two cheese breads, and smiley chips for my sister. They have a special offer there. For an extra of twenty thousand vnd, we could get two cheese breads and a 1,5 liters bottle of Coke. We have an extra cheese bread for breakfast. I was happy. The foods were delicious. My dad and I took a walk inside the mall and played billard while my mom and sister went the took a walk a different way. 

  This morning, I mustn't ate breakfast so the doctors could make an examination on my digestive system. First, the doctor read my pulse and listened for my dad to describe the problem. After my dad bought the medicines, I went into a room for the nurse to take a sample of my blood. It hurts a while, but not too much. Next, I took a X-ray picture to see if my lungs and heart were okay. Then, I took a medicine through my rectum. By doing so, it helped me to cleaned my rectum and get a sample of my feces. I have to do so four times. It was annoying. Finally, I have to take anesthetic for me to sleep so the doctors could see inside my alimentery canal. It was two o'clock when I woke up. I felt a little dizzy when I just woke up. It wasn't cheap for the medicines and the exams. It cost my dad about 6,000,000 vnd for the morning. Fortunately, we don't have to take any exams in the afternoon. We have a family meeting today. 
  The cheese bread that we took home yesterday was used for breakfast tomorrow. I'll continued to learn like normal tomorrow, and there's no Bible lesson. 

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