Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 1, 2016


  Yesterday, we have a family meeting. It occurred every Monday of the week. We have coconut biscuits, and it was delicious. We ate more than a half of the bag. We don't watch any movie because it wasn't the day yet, and it was also too late because I took a bath. 

  Today, I started to learn like normal. I walked two miles for thirty-three minutes and thirty-nine seconds. It was faster than the last time, but it wasn't my fastest two mile walk. I could finally ate the cheese bread today. I put it in the microwave oven for thirty-six seconds, but it still smells like it was still cold so I out in for another thirty seconds. After I've eaten half of them, I put it in the microwave oven again for ten more seconds; and you could see the cheese sizzling when you took it out of the microwave oven. 

  There's a lot in school that wasn't like normal. I have unusually a lot of paper works today. I have a history test, which caused the morning lesson to end faster, a language quiz, a spelling quiz, which I'm sure that I've done a good job on it, and a mathematic speed test. We reviewed verbs in language and learned the new spelling list in English. In mathematic, we learned to add and subtract compound measure. Compound measure were two measurements of the same kind listed as one addend or subtrahend. We also didn't have Bible lesson. Because there's no Bible lesson, I finished earlier when it was only 2 pm.  After that, I practiced Python. My dad gave me some projects to do on Python, and I finished six of them. Yep, six out of, like, forty. My dad have to helped me on the last one. I also learned how to play and memorized the song Happy Birthday on guitar with tab. Of course, I learned to picked the song, not the stum it. 

  I made two new Lego Bionicle MOC guns today. Actually it was three. A rifle, a sniper rifle, and a pistol. I assigned the rifle to the MOC who used to controlled the XS-1. The pistol to a MOC which I don't remembered its name right now, but I do have a name for him. And the sniper rifle was to replaced the old sniper rifle of a MOC that have a little Lego mini figure inside its head. I've told you about him in some entry few days ago. As the matter of fact, it was just the week before the last of I remembered correctly. I think my dad intended to buy RaspberryPi. He said that tomorrow he'll assembled it. Tonight, we were supposed to be to watch I Am Legend if it wasn't because of my mom using the iPad. Now it was quite late, and I'm afraid that we can't watch that now. >:( . We were having HTPGW II(How To Play Godfather War II) today. We've had this war before, and it makes me to learn the whole freaking song again. But this time was different. First, my dad thought that I played it wrong, but I finally proofed that I played it right. 

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