Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 1, 2016


  Yesterday, I read Skulguggery Pleasant book 1 until my dad told me that I forgot to wrote blog that day. As the result, I slept late because I have to wrote blog. When I finished writing my blog, it was already 12 am when I went to bed. 

  This morning, I was still tired when I woke up. I wished that I was able to sleep a little longer. I succeeded in walking for two miles in 36 minutes or less. I walked two miles for 32:52 minutes. I was still slower than yesterday by few seconds. I have to learn more today because I was unable to learn as usual yesterday. So I finished later. In science today, we learned about several Protestants that became great scientists. Gesner and Versalius or something like that were two of those men that I remembered. In mathematic, I learned about measurements of weight and mass. I learned that 16 ounces equal 1 pound, and 2,000 pounds equal one English ton. 2,200 pounds, on the other hand, equal one metric ton. In history, I learned about John Wycliff. I just realized that I didn't learned about Wycliff yesterday. The man I was thinking about was Jerome, and Jerome translated the Bible into Latin, not English. Wycliff's followers were called Lollards. Few years after his death, the pope established the Coucil of Constance. CoC commended to burned all Wyclliff's books. After Wycliff died almost 20 years, CoC commended Wycliff's remains to be dug up and burn. John Huss was from Bohemia, mordern Czech. He speaks against the teaching of the popes. He came to the CoC. CoC promised him safety, but after he Huss talked to CoC about his view of the popes' teachings, they condemned him to be burned at the stake. Huss' followers were called Hussites. In language, I learned about perfect present, perfect past, and perfect future. Perfect future is like "will have done." The perfect tense always have helping verbs, and the future was like present except "will". Future perfect was like present perfect except "will have". In Bible, all I remembered now is that we talked about where the Ten Commandments might be now. 

  Today, I completed 7% in Python instead of 6% as I've said yesterday. The reason was that I tried to finished the section. When I checked it, there's only two lessons left. So, I finished the rest. The lessons today somehow seem easy, and I was able to finished it faster. I was able to play The Godfather fluently, but I just found another way to play it more correctly. Tonight, maybe my dad and I gonna watch movie on iPad. 

  Tomorrow, I will practice to play The Godfather more fluently. 

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