Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 1, 2016


  Last Saturday, we tried the eggless chocolate chip cookie recipe. The cookies wasn't crunchy at all, and the vanilla scent were too much in it. I brought it too my grandparents' house. When it was cooler, I think it tastes better. My cousins were there too. We played badminton and chess. My aunt just recently accepted Jesus. I watched Karate Kid ll. The movie was about when Miyagi and Daniel, the first student of Miyagi, went back to Okinawa, Miyagi's home, to anticipate Miyagi's father's funeral. They met Sato, the old enemy of Miyagi, and Sato challenged Miyagi to fight. On the day to fight, there was a big storm; and Sato was stucked under a pole. Miyagi and Daniel rescued him. Daniel found out that there's another child was on another pole. Chozen, Sato's nephew and student, was so scared that he doesn't help Daniel. Sato was disappointed about Chozen so Chozen ran away. Later, Chozen challenged Daniel for embarrass him. Of course, Daniel won. 

  On Sunday, I watched The Next Karate Kid with my cousin. The movie was about Julie, the next student of Miyagi. She and Miyagi went to a pagoda to learned karate. Of course, she fought some bad guys at the end of the movie. In the afternoon, my aunt, uncle, and cousins went home. We didn't went home until 7:46 pm. When we got home, it's already nearly 10:00 pm. I was so sleepy that I didn't read books or anything and went to sleep right after I've finished the works I have to do. 

  This morning, I still felt a little sleepy when I woke up. I still make the walking speed goal today and found out that I'll have to walk 2 miles next week. Today, I have a math exam and no Bible lesson at all. We learned about the crusades in history. There're many crusades. The first crusade was called The Peasants' Crusade. King Richard the Lion-Hearted was in the crusade during The Fourth Crusade. The Children's Crusade was a disaster. The seamaen that offer the children a ride through the sea were sold as slaves to North African Muslims. I learned a new guitar picking tune today. We might watch movie tonight if there's time. 

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