Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 1, 2016


  Ok, do you remembered what I wrote about Council of Counstance last Monday? Forget what I wrote. The council I'm thinking about was the Council of Toulouse that banned the people from owning a Bible. 

  Yesterday, I made two new Bionicle moc. He was big with white and a few transparent red pieces. He have two identical swords on both hands. The other one was like a mech. I planned it to be controlled through a nerve connecter by a human inside the head. He have a sniper gun, but the gun don't have a scope. It have a camera and a laser display so the user could aim with that. One of the best parts of the gun was that it have a bipod. I also changed the moc with the staff so he was smaller. I might make a new moc in the future for I still have enough pieces to make a new moc that was pretty sturdy. I practiced Python and completed most of my dad's challenges pretty quick. I have to find that if there were 36 of dogs and chickens that have to total of 100 legs, how many chickens and dogs were there. I also have to find that if a standing bulls ate 5 grass bundles, sitting bulls ate 3 grass bundles, 3 old bulls ate a grass bundle, there're 100 bundles, and the total bulls were 100, how many sitting bulls, standing bulls, and old bulls there were. There're 4 different answers. After the challenges, I continued to practiced on codecademy until dinner time. At the church,  some people prayed anyone whose birthday was on January. That's included me and two others. My friends, Quan and Quang, have gone to their grandparents' house along with their parents. As the result, I don't have anyone to talked to there. At least what we study there wasn't too boring. We talked about that could the Vietnamese be saved before missionaries came to Vietnam. 

  Today, I played Star War: Galaxy of Heroes on iPad. For lunch, we have rolled food. I don't really know how to wrote that in English. In the afternoon, I practiced Python and have a lot of problems with that. I could only completed three exercises today. I could now played the Godfather pretty fast and fluently, but I still have the problem of forgetting how to put my hands on the strings. I also found out that a Smoshgame's crew Lasercorn was really named David Moss. He got the name by the tattoo of a unicorn with a laser canon on his Lasercorn's back. Another crew member was called Jovenshire. It came from the combination of his real name, Joshua Even Ovenshire. Tonight, I'll continued the movie Kingsman. 

  Tomorrow, my parents gonna have a offline meeting. I and my dad's friend's son gonna to buy some books and talk to each other because my dad wants me to communicate with people. 

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