Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 1, 2016


  Yesterday, I forgot to wrote blog so I'll write it right now. In the morning, I don't have to walk because it was raining heavily. So in the extra time that I have  for not walking, I parcticed guitar. I could played The Godfather better, but I still have some errors. For example, I might pick the wrong string and put my fingers on the wrong fret or in middle of the fret. But I could play My Heart Will Go On was better, and so was Happy Birthday and Amazing Grace. I still couldn't sing while I played Happy Birthday and Amazing Grace. I have a math test and no Bible lesson today. Becaue of those, I finished the lesson really early.
  After learning and read the sections that I have to read few days later, I continued to read the biography of David Livingstone. David did go through a lot of hardship in Africa, but he still trust in God to protect and provides for him. Because he took his wife with him to the tribes of Northern Africa, most people hated him. He have five or six children, and one of them died in Africa. He had to send his wife back to Scotland with his parents. When he returned to Scotland, he found out that his wife and children were poor. So he started to wrote a book about his trip and the geography of Africa to earn more money. Because he found the Victoria Falls, he was invited to the palace by the queen. Though he was praised highly, he was still humble. He died in Africa about the age of sixty, and he died after he finished his prayer. His heart and internal organs were buried in Africa by his African helpers, and his body was sent back to England to be buried amongst the famous people of England. 

  Today, I have some things that I'm proud of. I did pretty good with Python. I have to find the next twenty leap years and few other things, and I didn't take too long on some of them. I also make a new Lego Bionicle MOC today. I actually haven't named him yet, but he was heavily based on Lego Star Wars Buildable Figure General Grievious. He had four arms, two triple jointed legs, and an extension so it made his body looks taller. His body was red and black, and his hands were orange and transparent blue. He had two silver with fire swords and two white with ice swords. He was about ten inches tall and was my biggest MOC that I've ever built. He feet was able to support his big body. I have to dissembled two of my MOCs to built him. Even though I don't have enough Technical pieces to make the MOC like the Lego Star Wars Buildable Figure General Grievious had, I was still able to make him with normal pieces. Actually, I didn't used any Technical pieces at all and still able to make that MOC. I really like this MOC. It was magnificent. He was big and scary. I could hardly made a better one than this one. I also made a new sword for my favorite MOC, Tarkus Zeros. The sword was based on the 2016 Bionicle Tahu's sword, and it also had the function that the Lego's set had. The new sword looks quite better than the old one. 

Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 1, 2016


  Last Saturday, I went to my parent's fair to help carry the tables and chairs. A friend of mine was also there to help. We ate dinner in a canteen at the place that we were preparing for the fair. My dad was also there instead of going home. Both of our meals cost only 40k vnd. It was quite cold then. When we were almost finished, it rained a llitle bit then grew bigger. Fortunately, there're not much works left. 

  On Sunday, I stayed home with my sister and grandma. I read books and play Lego alone, then watch TV with my sister.  It was even colder than Saturday, and my thickest coat was in the washing machine so sometime I shivered and clapped my teeth to each other. When my mom came home, she bought me a thicker coat, which I'm wearing right now. It had a hood on and was blue. I slept until my dad came home. I also helped him to bring the stuffs up stair with some of my parent's employees. That night, we have chicken, and I enjoyed it. My dad and I also watched a movie named Blackhat. It was about a crew finding the hacker that caused sudden changes in the economy. Hattaway was once in prison for hacking into banks. He was released to helped the government. After he hacked into NSA's computer to get the authorization to use the program Black Widow to find the hacker and was found out, he had to ran away. The hacker also send men to kill Hattaway's friend. So Hattaway set out the find the hacker and kill him. He did kill the hacker eventually. 

  Today, we have lunch ate the restaurant Sen so I finished learning a little bit later than normal. Although I finished the morning section like normal, I was late more than an hour in the afternoon. In history, there was a guy named Zwingli; but it sound like Tsvingle. I now realized why it's pronounced like that. Because in the German language, the w's were pronounced like the v's, so Zwingli name were pronounced like so. After learning, I was quite tired so I slept. After my dad woke me up, I read the sections in the text books that I will be learning in the next five lessons. Tonight, I've played the song My Heart Will Go On, Happy Birthday, and The Godfather. We have smiley nuts, I think that's what it's called, for family meeting. My dad also told us about the people at the fair, despite the cold, still went the the fair. My dad also found out the way to control the RaspberryPi while it's using OSMC on the iPhone and iPad. I was happy to know that and to know that there's YouTube on OSMC. After watching few videos on YouTube with my sister, I started to watch Jangbrick's review of Lego Star Wars Buildable Figures. Kylo Ren figure looks cool. His cape and the piece of cloth down below looks nice. General Grievious also looks cool. He was big and look like a skeleton, which is cool. I also likes the ability to combine his two arms together. 


  Yesterday, we didn't watch any movie. Partly because it was too late. We didn't try to active the RaspberryPi, either. I read the biography of David Livingstone late at night until eleven o'clock pm. David's dad was against science because he believed in God. But David still read science books. One day, David went almost across Scotland to meet an author of a science book. The author told him that sometime science might be wrong because man might make mistakes, but the Bible is true because God is perfect. Since then, he understood that science might be wrong. 

  Today, I learned about Martin Luther in history. He was the one who started the Protestant. We had language and literature test today, and both of them were test four. I had few questions that I don't remembered in literature test. In mathematic, I learned to multiply compound measures. To do so, we just multiply them like normal; then, we convert them to the so it would be appropriate. We continued to learn about the tabernacle in Bible today. We had already learned about the Holy Room and the courtyard along with the furniture in the tabernacle. Today, we learned about The Holy of Holies. It was the smallest room of all the rooms of the tabernacle. That room was facing the North, and only the high priest could enter the room once a year on the Day of Atonement. If a priest touched the veil separating the room, God will instantly kill him. In the Holy of Holies were the Ark of Covenant. On top of it was two pure golden angels. It was called the Mercy Seat. On the Day of Atonement, the high priest will came in and sprinkled the blood on the Mercy Seat. 

  I still made some improvements on the lego sniper rifle. I also made few changes on some MOCs. The Python lessons wasn't so easy. The first few lessons were easy, but the later ones were harder. It was easier to find the prime numbers of the numbers that was from zero to that number. The one that I have problem with was to print out the multiplication tables up to twelve that means the on, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, then, eleven, and twelve multiplication tables. My dad had successfully connecting the wifi to the RaspberryPi. I found some Python games on the program made for Raspberry, but that wasn't the best thing that I've found out. The best that I've found on Raspberry was MinecraftPi. It was a minecraft game for Raspberry. I can't wait until the time when I could actually play it. I always wanted to play Minecraft. That game was so amazing. We were survivors trying to survive on an island. We could build houses, weapons, tools, and boats. We could also plants crops and raise farm animals. I like that game so much that my favorite type videos of Smosh were Minecraft. 

Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 1, 2016


  Yesterday, I watched I Am Legend by myself because my dad was busy. The movie was set in the year of 2012. In 2009, scientists have developed a a cure for cancer that was made from measle virus. But after three years, ninety percents of the world died. Nine percents were turned into monster like people, turned mad by the virus; and the rest were normal people. The infected people can't go handle ultraviolet rays. Will Smith acted as Dr. Robert. At the first day when the virus goes wrong, Robert took his family to evacuate while he stayed and find the cure. When his family had already gotten into the helicopter, the infected people attacked another helicopter that crashed into his family's helicopter. One day, his dog ran into a house. When Robert ran into the house the find his dog, he found a bunch of infected. Before that, he had successfully test a serum on a rat. So after he escaped the house, he trapped another infected to try the serum; but the infected almost died. Later, he had a fight with some infected. When his dog was trying to save him, he got infected. So Robert had to kill him. He was so sad and lonely that he used his car to rammed some infected and almost got killed if not of another survivor. The other survivor took him back to his house. The infected followed him home and attacked him. When he hide in the basement, he realized that the infected that he tested on was the cure. So he took her blood and hands it into the other survivor and let that survivor to escaped to the survivor's colony in Vermont while he kill himself and the infected with the grenade. The movie didn't have many action so it was quite boring. The movie ended when it was about 11:00 pm. That is when I started to go to bed. My mom said that she thought that I played the song Godfather wrong. At night, she borrowed my guitar to tried her way to play the song. Oh, I remembered a video where Smoshgame crew read mean comments of their picture with the paper that read "Roast Me". One mean comment was of Jovenshire. The comment said,"You look like Jovenshire in Smoshgame. Hope you done have his voice." It was funny when Joven read that. It was so ironic. 

  Today, I didn't learned Python vecause it wasn't the day to learn yet. I did practiced guitar. I practiced two songs, Happy Birthday and Godfather. I improved two lego MOC guns, the pistol and the sniper rifle. I also made a staff that could attach a saw into it. I got the idea from a video game on Pewdiepie's video. I also improve the weapon of another MOC. I decided to name that moc Savij, the Old Empire Knight. I just think of his name. The name was from the word savage. Maybe I'll listed my MOC's here. There's Savij, Blize, Fobes Zeros, Tarkus Zeros were just some MOCs which I have named and thought of their name. My dad dad bought a RaspberryPi, and I got to go with him. I'm so excited to assemble the RaspberryPi so we could watch movie on TV without downloading it down on the USB. Tomorrow, we'll assembled it so we could watch movie on Internet from the TV. My dad also went to The Gioi Gi Dong to buy memory card for RaspberryPi. When we were there, we saw the iPad Pro. It was quite big.


Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 1, 2016


  Yesterday, we have a family meeting. It occurred every Monday of the week. We have coconut biscuits, and it was delicious. We ate more than a half of the bag. We don't watch any movie because it wasn't the day yet, and it was also too late because I took a bath. 

  Today, I started to learn like normal. I walked two miles for thirty-three minutes and thirty-nine seconds. It was faster than the last time, but it wasn't my fastest two mile walk. I could finally ate the cheese bread today. I put it in the microwave oven for thirty-six seconds, but it still smells like it was still cold so I out in for another thirty seconds. After I've eaten half of them, I put it in the microwave oven again for ten more seconds; and you could see the cheese sizzling when you took it out of the microwave oven. 

  There's a lot in school that wasn't like normal. I have unusually a lot of paper works today. I have a history test, which caused the morning lesson to end faster, a language quiz, a spelling quiz, which I'm sure that I've done a good job on it, and a mathematic speed test. We reviewed verbs in language and learned the new spelling list in English. In mathematic, we learned to add and subtract compound measure. Compound measure were two measurements of the same kind listed as one addend or subtrahend. We also didn't have Bible lesson. Because there's no Bible lesson, I finished earlier when it was only 2 pm.  After that, I practiced Python. My dad gave me some projects to do on Python, and I finished six of them. Yep, six out of, like, forty. My dad have to helped me on the last one. I also learned how to play and memorized the song Happy Birthday on guitar with tab. Of course, I learned to picked the song, not the stum it. 

  I made two new Lego Bionicle MOC guns today. Actually it was three. A rifle, a sniper rifle, and a pistol. I assigned the rifle to the MOC who used to controlled the XS-1. The pistol to a MOC which I don't remembered its name right now, but I do have a name for him. And the sniper rifle was to replaced the old sniper rifle of a MOC that have a little Lego mini figure inside its head. I've told you about him in some entry few days ago. As the matter of fact, it was just the week before the last of I remembered correctly. I think my dad intended to buy RaspberryPi. He said that tomorrow he'll assembled it. Tonight, we were supposed to be to watch I Am Legend if it wasn't because of my mom using the iPad. Now it was quite late, and I'm afraid that we can't watch that now. >:( . We were having HTPGW II(How To Play Godfather War II) today. We've had this war before, and it makes me to learn the whole freaking song again. But this time was different. First, my dad thought that I played it wrong, but I finally proofed that I played it right. 

Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 1, 2016


  Yesterday, my parents and little sister went to anticipate the offline meeting of Lam Cha Me, my parents' company. I stayed home alone. I tried to invite my friends to my home, but they wasn't home so I entertained myself. I watched TV until I'm bored watching TV and changed to watching YouTube. I watched Smoshgame, Pewdiepie, and Lego Bionicle MOCs on YouTube. Pewdiepie doesn't released as much videos as he used to be. There's a video where Pewds used photos and upload it on a app on a website for the website to find the person's age and judge how hot the person is. The website found Pewds' age correctly and categorized him as Godlike level of hot. He also tried on other youtubers. His girlfriend also got a Godlike; so does Pewds' face on a fat guy's body. He applied a pretty famous man, and the web can't identified his face. When Pewds applied a Audi car, the website could identified the face. He applied Hitler's face, and it was in the middle. When he added the potato on Hitler's face, it said Godlike, and Pewds quit. I think that was funny. Pewds' face was so funny at the moment when Pewds realized that the potato on Hitler was on the same level as him. XD. My family and I went out to eat dinner at Aeon Mall. At first, we intended to eat fried beef; but we finally changed our mind and ate dinner at Domino Pizza. We ordered an Extravaganzza pizza, two cheese breads, and smiley chips for my sister. They have a special offer there. For an extra of twenty thousand vnd, we could get two cheese breads and a 1,5 liters bottle of Coke. We have an extra cheese bread for breakfast. I was happy. The foods were delicious. My dad and I took a walk inside the mall and played billard while my mom and sister went the took a walk a different way. 

  This morning, I mustn't ate breakfast so the doctors could make an examination on my digestive system. First, the doctor read my pulse and listened for my dad to describe the problem. After my dad bought the medicines, I went into a room for the nurse to take a sample of my blood. It hurts a while, but not too much. Next, I took a X-ray picture to see if my lungs and heart were okay. Then, I took a medicine through my rectum. By doing so, it helped me to cleaned my rectum and get a sample of my feces. I have to do so four times. It was annoying. Finally, I have to take anesthetic for me to sleep so the doctors could see inside my alimentery canal. It was two o'clock when I woke up. I felt a little dizzy when I just woke up. It wasn't cheap for the medicines and the exams. It cost my dad about 6,000,000 vnd for the morning. Fortunately, we don't have to take any exams in the afternoon. We have a family meeting today. 
  The cheese bread that we took home yesterday was used for breakfast tomorrow. I'll continued to learn like normal tomorrow, and there's no Bible lesson. 

Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 1, 2016


  Ok, do you remembered what I wrote about Council of Counstance last Monday? Forget what I wrote. The council I'm thinking about was the Council of Toulouse that banned the people from owning a Bible. 

  Yesterday, I made two new Bionicle moc. He was big with white and a few transparent red pieces. He have two identical swords on both hands. The other one was like a mech. I planned it to be controlled through a nerve connecter by a human inside the head. He have a sniper gun, but the gun don't have a scope. It have a camera and a laser display so the user could aim with that. One of the best parts of the gun was that it have a bipod. I also changed the moc with the staff so he was smaller. I might make a new moc in the future for I still have enough pieces to make a new moc that was pretty sturdy. I practiced Python and completed most of my dad's challenges pretty quick. I have to find that if there were 36 of dogs and chickens that have to total of 100 legs, how many chickens and dogs were there. I also have to find that if a standing bulls ate 5 grass bundles, sitting bulls ate 3 grass bundles, 3 old bulls ate a grass bundle, there're 100 bundles, and the total bulls were 100, how many sitting bulls, standing bulls, and old bulls there were. There're 4 different answers. After the challenges, I continued to practiced on codecademy until dinner time. At the church,  some people prayed anyone whose birthday was on January. That's included me and two others. My friends, Quan and Quang, have gone to their grandparents' house along with their parents. As the result, I don't have anyone to talked to there. At least what we study there wasn't too boring. We talked about that could the Vietnamese be saved before missionaries came to Vietnam. 

  Today, I played Star War: Galaxy of Heroes on iPad. For lunch, we have rolled food. I don't really know how to wrote that in English. In the afternoon, I practiced Python and have a lot of problems with that. I could only completed three exercises today. I could now played the Godfather pretty fast and fluently, but I still have the problem of forgetting how to put my hands on the strings. I also found out that a Smoshgame's crew Lasercorn was really named David Moss. He got the name by the tattoo of a unicorn with a laser canon on his Lasercorn's back. Another crew member was called Jovenshire. It came from the combination of his real name, Joshua Even Ovenshire. Tonight, I'll continued the movie Kingsman. 

  Tomorrow, my parents gonna have a offline meeting. I and my dad's friend's son gonna to buy some books and talk to each other because my dad wants me to communicate with people. 

Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 1, 2016


  Yesterday, I watched videos about hidden details, errors, deleted scenes, and facts about movies. In the movie I Am Legend, starring Will Smith, there's a board on the background of a scene that have a Superman's symbol inside Batman's symbol. It was almost like the symbol of the upcoming movie Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. In a movie starring Tom Cruise, there's a scene where Tom accidentally kicked another actor right in the jaw. The scene wasn't removed. That scene also show Tom's surprised face after he kicked the man's jaw. In Rainman, also starring Tom Cruise, Tom and another actor was in a telephone booth when the other actor actually farted. The actor responded by saying that he farted in his character's way. In another movie, the actor was to act as if he was angry and slammed his hand on the table; but he broke his bones and got some piece of glass stick in his hand and was bleeding. He still carried on. In Star Wars Episode V, there's a deleted scene where C-3PO ripped of the danger poster on a wall, causing a Snowtrooper to open it and get devoured by a Womba. There's also a deleted scene in Star Wars Episode VI where Luke Skywalker changed his lightsaber's color from blue to green. He also hides his lightsaber in R2-D2, explaining how Luke's lightsaber was in R2-D2 in a scene that was released on big screen. 

  I just remembered a joke today. It was something like this, "A man entered a bar. Suddenly, he needed to use the toilet. After he finished using the toilet, he noticed that there's no toilet paper. Then, he saw a hole with letters above that said, 'Insert your hand to get clean.' Unknown to him, behind the wall was a boy with a pair of bricks. When the man inserted his hands in it, the boy smashed the man's hand with the bricks. The man screamed and put his hand into his mouth." It was funny, right? I didn't walked faster than yesterday, but I still completed the goal, though. I also finished Skulguggery Pleasant book 2 and started book 3. Today was Wednesday so I don't learned Python. I only learned Python in Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I didn't practiced my guitar. I was able to play Godfather without looking at the tablature, or at least most of the song. I forgot to how to play Jingle Bells, but now I remembered where the song's tablature was. Tonight, I'm gonna watch movie on iPad. Maybe I'll watch Kingsman again, but I have to take a bath and washed the dishes before I could do that. I don't know if my dad gonna watch with me or what, but I'm sure I'll be watching it. Of course if I forgot to do something, and my dad wouldn't allowed me to do so. 

  Tomorrow's goal was to practice 6% more in Python and practiced guitar for 45 minutes or more. 

Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 1, 2016


  Yesterday, I read Skulguggery Pleasant book 1 until my dad told me that I forgot to wrote blog that day. As the result, I slept late because I have to wrote blog. When I finished writing my blog, it was already 12 am when I went to bed. 

  This morning, I was still tired when I woke up. I wished that I was able to sleep a little longer. I succeeded in walking for two miles in 36 minutes or less. I walked two miles for 32:52 minutes. I was still slower than yesterday by few seconds. I have to learn more today because I was unable to learn as usual yesterday. So I finished later. In science today, we learned about several Protestants that became great scientists. Gesner and Versalius or something like that were two of those men that I remembered. In mathematic, I learned about measurements of weight and mass. I learned that 16 ounces equal 1 pound, and 2,000 pounds equal one English ton. 2,200 pounds, on the other hand, equal one metric ton. In history, I learned about John Wycliff. I just realized that I didn't learned about Wycliff yesterday. The man I was thinking about was Jerome, and Jerome translated the Bible into Latin, not English. Wycliff's followers were called Lollards. Few years after his death, the pope established the Coucil of Constance. CoC commended to burned all Wyclliff's books. After Wycliff died almost 20 years, CoC commended Wycliff's remains to be dug up and burn. John Huss was from Bohemia, mordern Czech. He speaks against the teaching of the popes. He came to the CoC. CoC promised him safety, but after he Huss talked to CoC about his view of the popes' teachings, they condemned him to be burned at the stake. Huss' followers were called Hussites. In language, I learned about perfect present, perfect past, and perfect future. Perfect future is like "will have done." The perfect tense always have helping verbs, and the future was like present except "will". Future perfect was like present perfect except "will have". In Bible, all I remembered now is that we talked about where the Ten Commandments might be now. 

  Today, I completed 7% in Python instead of 6% as I've said yesterday. The reason was that I tried to finished the section. When I checked it, there's only two lessons left. So, I finished the rest. The lessons today somehow seem easy, and I was able to finished it faster. I was able to play The Godfather fluently, but I just found another way to play it more correctly. Tonight, maybe my dad and I gonna watch movie on iPad. 

  Tomorrow, I will practice to play The Godfather more fluently. 

Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 1, 2016


  Yesterday, I felt a little sleepy so I slept a little bit early. I have a sore mouth, sore throat, and stuffy nose. My stuffy nose made it harder for me to sleep at night. 

  This morning, I succeeded in walking two miles in 36 minutes or less. When I started to learn, I felt tired. Maybe because the stuffy nose made it harder to sleep last night and made me feel as if I'm sick.       I learned history and grammar this morning. In history, I learned that the church in Middle Ages didn't allowed the people to owned Bible. They feared that peoplewill know the truth and they won't listened and followed the curch anymore. John Wycliff had translated the Bible, but the church established Council of Toulouse to banned the use of Bibles for everyone. There are people who withdrew from the world and might torture themselves because they believed that would please God. They also promised that they won't marry anyone. That act is called monasticism. Monks and nuns worked in monasteries. Friars were people who told the Scripture to other people. Hermits were monk who lived in the wilderness. When I finished grammar, I went to bed because I felt very tired. I slept until it was 12:30 pm. After lunch, I tried to learn science. The topic today is about science project. We won't actually do the project. We just wrote background paper, problem paper, hypothesis paper, and procedures paper as if we're gonna really do it. After science, I still felt tired so I slept again until 5:30 pm. When I woke up, I read books a little bit. I read the first book to the series Skulduggery Pleasant. I believed that I already described this series before. Today, I finally completed the section Battleship in Python. The problem I have in this was that I don't know how to change the place that I have already chosen. My dad told my to read from the beginning while he went to walk for the second time. I don't have to go because I still felt tired. When my dad came home, I still haven't completed that, so my parents ate dinner first. When I finally got to the place where I have to do, it jumped to the next lesson. My dad told me to continued, but I got to the part where I need to complete the previous one to continue. I did figured out a way to resume the place I needed to learn. Finally, I wrote,"board[guess_row][guess_col]='X'" to make a O changed into a X in the place where I have already chosen. Finally, I finished with the Battleship; and I felt great. I was very happy because I finally finished it. It was so hard,  yet I still completed it. 

  Tomorrow, I have to learned lesson 50 mathematic and Bible with lesson 51 history, science, grammar, mathmetic, and Bible. I also have to practiced guitar and particed 6% more in Python. 

Chủ Nhật, 10 tháng 1, 2016


  On Friday, I played the game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes on iPad that my dad downloaded it for me on last Thursday. The game was pretty easy. You just wait for your character's turn and choose an enemy then choose the attack that you want to use on the target. I only played Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes because Asphalt 8 wasn't updated. 

  Yesterday, I played Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes on IPad. I got Snowtrooper on my characters list. Now I have Boba Fett, Talia, Clone Sergeant Phrase 1, Snowtrooper, Jedi Consul, Chewbacca Clone War, Jawa, Ewok Scout, and Ewok Elder. In the afternoon, I practiced Python. I finished a section that I don't remembered its name with my dad's help. After I finished that section, I started a section named Battleships. The goal of Battleships is to program a battleships game on Python. My dad just helped me a little bit then he have to meet his friend. The hardest part is to make the screen have five rows of five o's printed out on the panel. Finally, after trying many kind of codes, I accidentally programmed the right; and it printed out five rows of five o's. At night, I watched a movie on IPad called The Ridiculous 6. Adam Sander was in the movie too. He played Tommy a.k.a. White Knife. Tommy was a man in 1800s that was raised by Indians. One day, his father, Frank Stockburn, came to the Indian camp to find him. He told Tommy that he have 50 million dollars that he stoled and want Tommy to digged it up for Frank was dying. Frank was taken my a gang that because he didn't shared the money he stoled with them. Tommy tried to find where his father buried his stolen money, but he couldn't. So he began to steal money from bad people. He came to a town and found out that he got two half brothers there. They helped him steal the money too. When they came to a dilapidated cabin, they found out that they have another half brother; and he agreed to helped the others stoled money to freed their dad. When they came to another town, they found two half brothers there two. And those two also agreed to halped the others. At the end, it turns out that their dad just tricked them to get him money. 

  Today, I read a joke book a little bit then searched the Internet to find if it was better to watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens on today or Monday. I found out that it was the same cost becaue today, I could go before 17:00 pm, and it's cheaper then. Star Wars: The Force Awakens was 30 years after Star Wars: The Return of The Jedi. The survivors of the Empire's army raised another army called The First Order, and they have Kylo Ren. Kylo Ren was trained by Luke Skywalker, which was in refuge some where, and was the son of Han Solo and Leia. The First Order was looking for the map of where Luke Skywalker was to kill the last Jedi. Rey was a scavenger on the planet of Jakku. One day, she met BB-8, a droid of Poe Dameron who was by now captured by the First Order. BB-8 was carring the map to Luke and he must be taken to the Resistance. Meanwhile, a Stormtrooper named Finn helped Poe escaped because he now that it was the right thing to do. They escaped on a TIE fighter back to Jakku and was shot while flying there. When Finn woke up, Poe was ejected out somewhere. He then find BB-8 and Rey but was attacked by The First Order TIEs. They escaped on the Millennium Falcon and was found by Han Solo which lost this ship earlier. They found out that the map were just a fragment. The Resistance finally have to attacked the Starkiller, a moving planet of The First Order that could destroy other planets. While Finn, Rey, Chewbacca, and Han Solo attacked Starkiller, Han Solo was killed by Kylo Ren. When all was over, R2-D2 awoke and show the rest of the map to Luke Skywalker. Rey went to meet him and that's all. 

Thứ Năm, 7 tháng 1, 2016


  Yesterday, I watched videos about hidden messages, errors, and mistakes that made to the scene in movies. In Guardians of Galaxy, the scene when Peter Quil handed the orb to another man, he dropped it and picked it up. That's wasn't on the script. Another movie have the scene where two children were standing before their uncle, the actor that's acting as the actor forgot his script. Fortunately, he quickly respond by asking what his script was as if he was talking to his nephews. In Mr. Nanny, when the main character was driving around the lake, there's a man throwing his dog into the lake. And in Serenity, the movie doesn't have enough budget. So on a container, it said, "Reusable container, do no broke." In Star Wars, the lightsaber fight between Darth Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi reveled that there's a wire connected from the lightsaber throw Kenobi's sleeve. That video also said that the plasma flow was actually a needle like thing to make it easier to add special effects. In another comedy video, a Sith and a Jedi was fighting each other. The Sith finally shows the Jedi his cross guard. After the Sith talking with the Jedi about the advantage of his cross guard, the Sith reveled that he made the cross guard to impress his children. The two hunged each other, then the Sith used his cross guard to kill the Jedi. And in a video named Disney Infinity In Real Life, the DI figure of Kanan complained that he wanted to be played with like other toys; but DI figure Jack Sparrow told him that his role was important too. Just then, the kid how used Kanan to played DI lose and knocked Kanan of the platform. 

  Today, I walked for three miles; but it takes 49:23 minutes for me to walk three miles. I also learned about the feudalism of Middle Ages in history today. I learned two new words in history, fief and vassal. Fief is the land that a lord let a peasant worked on. A vassal was a person who worked on the lord's land and pay the lord money in order to worked there. Today, when I finished remembered ten new English words, my father was still busy so he couldn't checked right away. While he was busy, I read the sections in the books that I have to learn five days later. After that, I learned Python on my new computer. I finished the section called "Students Became Teachers." That lesson taught us to make a function to find the average of scores of the students. I also practiced the two songs named Amazing Grace and My Heart Will Go On. This morning, after I walked, I felt pretty sad because I failed the walking goal. When I have finished practicing Python, I felt happy because I learned Python pretty quick and already completed 50%. Today, when my parents were walking, I stumbled on a Python problem and it was very hard. I tried many times, but I can't solved it. Finally, I solved it by finding the answer on Google and looking back at the example. I learned that if I stumbled upon another problem in Python, I would looked at the examples and Google or ask my dad. I felt pretty happy after I solved the problem. Tomorrow, I'll walk 2 miles for 36 minutes or less. I'm thinking that I'll find another song on guitar to learn. 


Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 1, 2016


  Yesterday, my dad and I watched a movie made in 2015 called Spy. Spy was about a lady named Susan Cooper worked at CIA.  She used to helped another agent named Agent Fine ( Agent wasn't his first name. I just don't remember his first name) from CIA's headquarter in Langley, Virginia. At the beginning of the movie, Agent Fine found a criminal that have a mini nuclear bomb. While Fine was asking the criminal questions, he suddenly sneezed and accidentally shot in the head of the criminal. Now he have to get his answers from the criminal's daughter, Kayna. When he broke into Kayna's house, he was caught by Kayna and was killed. Susan found a clue at Kayna's house. The clue was a phone number of another man named De Luca that involved in this affair. Kayna already know all the field agents of CIA, so Susan got to work as a field agent and find information; but she wasn't allowed to talked with De Luca or Kayna. We was given two identity for the mission. Her last identity was Penny Morgan. When she followed De Luca into a casino, she found Kayna. After rescueing Kayna from being poisoned, Susan was invited to go with Kayna on her personal airplane. There, Susan almost reveled that she was an agent; but Susan said that she was hired by Kayna's father as a bodyguard. But she was finally be revealed that she was an agent. At the place where Susan was held captive, she met Agent Fine. Fine wasn't actually dead, he just pretend to be dead to make Kayna think that he tricked the CIA. Finally, De Luca tricked Kayna and almost killed if Susan haven't stopped it. Susan finally retrieved the nuclear bomb with and defeated De Luca with other CIA agents' help. 

  Today, I continued to practice the song Amazing Grace and My Heart Will Go On. I could now play both songs without looking at the tablature. I also reassembled the computer with my dad's help. He instructed me and helped me connected the wires. My dad also instructed me to download Ubutu to helped run the computer. Now I have a new computer. The computer was assembled with many different computer pieces. I also make a new Bionicle MOC that looks like he's holding a walking stick. Tonight, it's my day to watch movie; but I haven't think of which movie I should watch. I assigned days of the weeks to learned Python. I'll learned Python on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Tomorrow, I have to walk 3 miles. Hope I could walk 3 miles in 46 minutes. 

Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 1, 2016


  Yesterday, we didn't watch movie on iPad because it was too late. We have a family meeting yesterday, too. We forgot to bought food for the family meeting so there's only some cookies that a lady at our church gave us. I watched some videos uploaded by the channel AweWe in a series called Reforged. The people in there were blacksmiths. They made weapons from videos games, movies, cartoon, and many episodes movie. The weapons they made from the videos that I watched were from Assasin's Creeds, Lords of the Ring, Predator, and Star Wars. I also watched a video about the origin of General Grevious in Star Wars. Grevious was a general of a tribe. He was the greatest warrior. When he was sent to do a mission on a spaceship, he was shot down and was severely injured. He was taken to Geonesis. There, he was transformed into a cyborg. He was trained by Count Dooku, also known as Darth Tyrannus. 

  Today, I learned about feudalism in the Middle Ages in history. We learned about kings such as Charles Martel, Pepin the Short, and Charlemagne. Those king were powerful kings because that asked the popes to helped them. The church benefited from this by getting more lands, and the kings benefited because the popes threatened to excommunicated those who disagreed with the kings. It was quite like the kings in Mesopotamia. The kings of Mesopotamia claimed that they was chosen ro be king by the god of that city. By saying that the god the city choose them, others think that if they rebelled against the king, the god would be angry with them and punished them. I learned about the part where the Israelites got to the Mt. Sinai in Bible in today. There, God gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments. I haven't got to the part where the Israelites disobeyed God and built an idol. 

  Today, I've completed Python to 47%. I also learned two new picking songs. I learned Amazing Grace and My Heart Will Go On. Tonight, my dad and I gonna watched movie on iPad. 

Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 1, 2016


  Last Saturday, we tried the eggless chocolate chip cookie recipe. The cookies wasn't crunchy at all, and the vanilla scent were too much in it. I brought it too my grandparents' house. When it was cooler, I think it tastes better. My cousins were there too. We played badminton and chess. My aunt just recently accepted Jesus. I watched Karate Kid ll. The movie was about when Miyagi and Daniel, the first student of Miyagi, went back to Okinawa, Miyagi's home, to anticipate Miyagi's father's funeral. They met Sato, the old enemy of Miyagi, and Sato challenged Miyagi to fight. On the day to fight, there was a big storm; and Sato was stucked under a pole. Miyagi and Daniel rescued him. Daniel found out that there's another child was on another pole. Chozen, Sato's nephew and student, was so scared that he doesn't help Daniel. Sato was disappointed about Chozen so Chozen ran away. Later, Chozen challenged Daniel for embarrass him. Of course, Daniel won. 

  On Sunday, I watched The Next Karate Kid with my cousin. The movie was about Julie, the next student of Miyagi. She and Miyagi went to a pagoda to learned karate. Of course, she fought some bad guys at the end of the movie. In the afternoon, my aunt, uncle, and cousins went home. We didn't went home until 7:46 pm. When we got home, it's already nearly 10:00 pm. I was so sleepy that I didn't read books or anything and went to sleep right after I've finished the works I have to do. 

  This morning, I still felt a little sleepy when I woke up. I still make the walking speed goal today and found out that I'll have to walk 2 miles next week. Today, I have a math exam and no Bible lesson at all. We learned about the crusades in history. There're many crusades. The first crusade was called The Peasants' Crusade. King Richard the Lion-Hearted was in the crusade during The Fourth Crusade. The Children's Crusade was a disaster. The seamaen that offer the children a ride through the sea were sold as slaves to North African Muslims. I learned a new guitar picking tune today. We might watch movie tonight if there's time.