Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 11, 2015


  Yesterday, I didn't read the sections in the textbooks that I have to read so I didn't watch movie. I read The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. After that, I and my father watched videos about Winnipeg, Canada. We watched videos about how to survive the winters, which none of them worth watching, and videos about the street in Winnipeg. 

  Today I learned about Pericles and the Greek's government. The Greek's government keep circling in a cycle. The Democracy and the Tyranny were two of their types of governments that I remembered. Pericles was a Athenian leader during the war between Sparta with its allies and Athen with its allies. I also have History Quiz 5 and and Geography Skill Sheet 5. The funny thing was we haven't even did Geography Skill Sheet 4 and already get to Skill Sheet 5. In science, I Iearned about the circulation system. We learned about the heart, arteries, and veins. The bloods, after having travelled all around the body, have no pressure to push it to the heart anymore; and because of that, God made the muscles squeezed the veins when they contract to send the bloods back to the heart. In language, we review the apostrophe rules a little bit then get to the part of making outlines. I have to correct the simple outline that they already gave us and fill in the blanks of a sentence outline. We didn't have to write an outline yet; but soon or later, I'll have to write one. In arithmetic, I learned about how to add, subtract, and multiply the decimal. To add and subtract decimal is like normal; but to multiply, we have to count the decimal places in the factors, add them together, and put the decimal to make it have the same decimal places as the sum of the factor's decimal places. For example, 2.3x.3 =.69. In Bible, I learned about Moses and got to the part when he got back to Egypt to told the Pharaoh to release God's people. After Moses told the Pharaoh to release His people, the Pharaoh was so upset that he order that the Jews have to collect straws by themselves and they also have to make more bricks. Today I finally get 92% or more for ten times in guitar practice, but I couldn't have done it without God's help. The pick made from the soccer card was too hard so I put tapes on the old pick first, but it still didn't works. The second time, I bend the pick that's made from the soccer card, and the good news is it was flexible enough for me. My dad also allows me to watch movie tonight if I finished all the works I have to do. I also have read to 83% of the book and get to the part when Benjamin wrote about his electric experiments.

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