Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 11, 2015


  Yesterday, I wrote blog late at night because I forgot to do so earlier in the evening. I read a book until my dad told me that I forgot to write blog. I also forgot to read the textbooks that I have to read before we actually learned it. 

  Today I learned about the Greek and Persian War and about their city. Mr. Smith was a funny teacher. He made a joke today about a Greek soldier ran from Marathon to Athen for reinforcements.  When the soldier got to Athen, he said, "Nike." Mr. Smith said, "Not exactly, you're wearing sandals." He explained that Nike means "to conquer" in Greek. We learned the Xerxex I attacked the Spartans at Hellespoint and didn't won until a traitor told him another way to pass Hellespoint. The leader of the Spartans was king Leonidas. King Leonidas told most of the soldiers to went back, and he with 300 soldiers will stay to hold off the Persians. He and the soldiers died there. We learned about the human body in science. We learned that cells were the smallest living matter, but it wasn't the smallest matter. We learned that the body was made of systems. The systems were made of organs. The organs were made of tissues, and tissues were made of cells. In language, I learned about apostrophe rules. The rules said that we use apostrophes and s's to show possessive of a noun. We don't use the s when the noun was an ancient name that ended in es. We don't use s's when the noun was Jesus or plural nouns ending in s. We also use an apostrophe after a number to show plural of numbers, letters, or words. A tricky part of this is if a singular noun ending in s, we just add a apostrophe and a s. In mathematic, I learned about decimal. Decimal is basically like fraction. If we wrote it in fraction, we have to rote the letters after the decimal as a numerator. We add a 1 in the denominator and the same amount of zeroes as the digits of the numerator. Like in .345, we wrote it as 345 over 1,000 as fraction; but I couldn't wrote it in fractions so I wrote it in words. In Bible, I learned about Moses. We got to the part when Moses talk with God through a burning bush. He made excuses so he didn't have to go back to Egypt. I tried to finished the guitar practice goal, but I didn't succeed. I've done only four times that were above 92% in three hours. My pointing finger of my left hand hurts when I touched the string. My pick also broke, so I and my dad made our own pick from my dad's Mastercard and a collectible soccer card, which I have two of them. I forgot to read in the textbooks so I couldn't watch movie today, and I going to read it after my dad check this. 

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