Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 11, 2015


  Yesterday I still learned in the chapter of the land of Irael in history. I learned about two neighbors of the Israelites, the Phoenecians and the Hittites. Both the Phoenecians and the Hitties don't care about history. The Phoenecians were traders and seamen. They invented the alphabet, but they didn't wrote down their history. They were so interested in trade that they only wrote about their trades. The Hittites were warriors. They didn't wrote their history because they have only interested in conquest. They were the first people the made an empire, and they made the first iron weapons. The earlier people used copper weapons. In english, I learned about comma rules 3 and 4. I have alot of exercises to do then. I have to do Exercise A to F. In science, I learned about venations of the tree and the kind of leaves. I learned about the compound and simple leaf. The simple leaf only have one petiole, while the compound leave have much more. I only remember the name of venation, but I know all of them. The parallel veins ran along the leaves, the other have one main vein, and the last one have many main veins. In mathematic, I only have a three-pages test. The test was about unit 1, and after this test, I'll started unit 2 about fractions. In Bible, there's no video, so I review John 14:1-3 abd sing songs for about 15-20 minutes. Because in the afternoon I have only mathematic test, I finished sooner than usual. I played Lego for 20 minutes, then go out to have a haircut. Later, after I observed my hair carefully, I realized that my hair sucks. I fixed the front and the sides of my hair, but only the sides looks good after I fixed my hair; the front still sucks. I also practiced guitar for 40 minutes. After dinner, I told my dad to redownload Injustice so I could play at Quan and Quang's house. They already have this game on their mom's phone, but their game didn't works; so I let them played on my iPad a little. 

  This morning, I played iPad a little while waiting for my dad to go buy ingredients for my burger. I bought breads, spinachs, tomatoes, and a glass bottle to but water in the refrigerator. I made chicken and beef burger. I also played Injustice again and get Red Lantern Hal Jordan. This afternoon I'll go to my grandparent's house. 

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