Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 11, 2015


 Today, I walked 1 mile too slow. I'm surposed to walk in 16:30 minites or less, but I walked in 16:43 minutes; I walked slower by 13 seconds:(. I learned about the new Babylon Empire. The new Babylon Empire were made by king Nabopolasser. After Nabopolasser, was king Nebuchadnezzar, son of king Nabopolasser. Nebuchadnezzar was the king of Babylon that defeated the Irael and take captives to Babylon. Among the captives were Daniel and his friends. Daniel is the ine who wrote the book Daniel in the Bible. I don't remember his son, but I remember the one who ruled for his son. Belshazzar was Nebuchadnezzar's grandson. Belshazzar was the king that used the cups of the temple that used to be in Jerusalem. In the night that Balshazzar used the cups from the temple, a hand wrote words on the wall. The meaning of the writings were that Belshazzar's empire gonna be divided to the Persians and the Medes. That night, Babylon fell. In science, we read about some experiments about plants. We read that if we wrap a plastic bag around a plant, the humidity produced by the plant was kept in the bag; the humidity that were kept in the bag help nurturing the plant. We only need to wrap a plastic bag around the plant for it the kept itself watered. In language, I learned about semicolon and colon rules. The semicolon rules said that we used it to connect two simple sentence if we don't want to use conjunctions and comma. We also use it to instead of using two commas to know which comma that separated two simple sentence and which to separate adverb like in the sentence "In the afternoon, I read books; and at night, I usually watched movie." In arithmetic, I learned about subtracting fractions. We have the make that denominators of the two fractions like each other. We could also borrow from the whole number to make the proper fraction into a improper fraction. In Bible, I learned about Moses from his birth to when he was returned to the pharaoh's daughter. Yesterday, I made a goal for guitar practing. I was surposed to have 10 times have more than 90% correct, and I did it. I didn't did it in one time, I make 8 times more than 90%, then I with my mom went to get my sister home and get me to the clinic, but I ask my mom what time is it too much that it made her angry. We went to after that, and I continued to practiced guitar. I intended to do 10 times with 91%, and I have to practiced in 45 minutes or more. Tonight, it's my dad's day to watch movie, but he's currently sleeping. Tomorrow is my day to watch movie, and I think I'll watch Ant-Man. 

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