Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 11, 2015


  Today I learned about a way to find the greatest common factor of two different numbers in mathematics. In history, I have a test so I don't learned any new thing today. In science I still learned about plants like lily and some other plants. In English, I have Of People and Grammar test, so I don't learned anything except the spelling list that I'm currently learning. And I also found out that the next history current event is due on lesson 15, which is this Friday. In Bible, I got to the part when Joseph got to be the pharaoh's vizier. He interpreted the butler's dream and told the butler to tell the pharaoh that he was wrongly accused, but the butler forgot that; and Joseph ended up having to stay in prison for 2 more years. But when the pharaoh have a dream that he want to know what it means, but he doesn't know it. After the pharaoh called his wisemen to interpret his dream, which doesn't works, the butler remember about Joseph, so Joseph was called before the pharaoh. When he was asked that if could interpret the pharaoh's dream, he said that it wasn't him that knows how to interpret the dream, it was God who revealed what the dream means. Because Joseph glorified God, God glorified him by make the pharaoh made Joseph the pharaoh's vizier. 
  Outside of school, this morning I couldn't walk as usual because my leg muscles were still hurts and it was raining. But this afternoon I walked for the morning 1 mile as usual, and I did it faster than the time allows me to walk. After I went home I read about the lessons that I'm going to learn in the future lessons. In history I read about the Persian Empire and how Cyrus was used by God  to return the Jews back to their land. I mathematics, I read about subtracting with fraction. In grammar, I read about quotation rules 1 to 5. I read a story called Where the Red Fern Grows. I science I read about the type of plant's root. And I just read the vocabulary words in spelling. After that I lift weights and read the autobiograohy ofBenjamin Franklin. Today I read the part that he said the thirteen rules that made for him was originally twelve, but when one of his friends told him that he was too proud; he add Humility to his list. He also taught himself to not point out the errors and told how ridiculous a person's idea was, but to apply it in some situations to see if it was right. It helped him alot in talking to others. 

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