Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 11, 2015


  Yesterday I watched The Transporter: Refueled with my dad. The movie was about the Transporter after have done the contract with some ladies, were forced to do another contract because his father was abducted by the ladies. He helped the ladies to revenge on someone else. My dad said this movie wasn't as good as the earlier Transporter movies. 

  School today was ok, I learned about king Darius in history; I also have Geography Project 2 today, and I've done it. In science, I have a review for the test that's on tomorrow. We review from chapter 1 and 2. In English, I learned about the quotation rules. There're 10 quotation rules that I have to learn. We put end marks except colons and semicolons inside the quotation marks, but we don't put ending marks if there're not related to the sentences in the quotation marks are one of them. We put quotations marks around title of articles and poems and short stories.  We have to rewrite some sentences to put quotation marks and capitalize words that needed to be capitalized in the textbook. I even have to rewrite a whole paragraph. In mathematic, I learned about dividing fractions. We have to flip one of the fractions, uses cancellation, then multiply it instead of divide. It's important to remember that we need to flip one of the fractions and not all of them. In Bible, I learned about Moses when he flee to the Midians' land. There, he married a wife and have two sons. While he was there, he thought that how could he free that Israel in Egypt now, and he though that God must have chosen another man to deliver the Israelites from Egypt. The teacher said that we are nobody and God is somebody. He also tell us a verse from the Bible. It said, " I must decrease, and He must increase," or something like that. 

  Today, my whole family went to the clinic to get vaccinated, but turns out that only I and my little sister need to vaccinate. I was surposed to have two shots, but I've already have enough shots of one type; the other shots ran out so I don't have to get shots. My little sister was different, though. She have to get the shot that I didn't have to take because I've had enough of them. She cried really loud, and to calm her, my mom buy ice cream for her and, of course, for me. I've done the guitar practiced goal that I've made yesterday, and God help me to accomplished that. I was so happy because yesterday, I couldn't only do it eights times; and now I did it ten times in about an hour. Tomorrow, I have to make 10 times that is 92% or more, and I have to practiced more than 45 minutes. I think I'll finished it in about one and a half hour or more. On Saturday, I have to do 10 times of 93%, and I think I'll be able to do it in 3 hours or more. Yelp, 3 hours or more; that's a long way to go. 

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