Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 11, 2015


  Yesterday, I go to my dad's aunt house to remember our great grandfather's death. I played with my cousins. About noon, we get to my grandparents' house and played "basketball." It wasn't actually basketball, we're just throw the ball to another person, and the other one try to catch it. For example, if I were the last person to touch the ball, and the person, who have to catch the ball, catches it, I'll be the next person to try to catch the ball. After that, we watch Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi on TV. The movie didn't have subtitle, but I still understand most of it. I've watched this movie before, but I still like it. The movie was about Luke Skywalker and his friends tried to rescue Han Solo, acted by Harrison Ford. After they've rescued Han Solo, they, along with the other Rebels, tried to destroyed the second Death Star. The Rebels also found out the the Emperor and Darth Vader were also on Death Star. Luke tried to convert his father, Darth Vader, to the good side. When all seemed failed, Darth Vader helped Luke kill the Emperor. Unfortunately, he was heavily injured and died while he was still on the Death Star. 
  Today, I walked 3 miles because I didn't walked 3 miles last Friday. I didn't walked fast enough, and I even walked slower than last time! Last time I walked in only 48:38 minutes, and today, I walked in about 51:00 minutes. In history, I learned about the Assyrian Empire. The Assyrian Empire reach from Modern Iraq to Egypt. The Assyrians destroyed every city they conquered, and they even dispersed the people from their land in order to make them less unified so they wouldn't revolt against them. They dispersed the ten Northern Tribes of Israel. In science, the teacher brought some leaves for us to identified its margins, venations, and the settings of leaves. I don't remember all the names of the kind of margins and venations, but I remembered its kind of the settings of leaves. There're opposite, alternate, whorled, and rossette. In language, I learned to two last comma rules, rules 5 and 6. Rule 5 told us about putting a comma after dates and places, but not after places when they were followed by zip code. Rule 6 told us that we need commas after greeting and ending in letters like in "Dear John," and "Sincerely,". In mathematic, I learned about adding fractions, making mixed numbers into improper fractions, and making improper fractions into mixed numbers. In Bible, I learned a little about Moses. After that, I went for about an hour to buy guitar strings, but they didn't  sold guitar strings. At least I didn't have to walk tonight. I praticed guitar and got mostly over 90% correct, and I'm very happy about it. 

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