Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 1, 2017


  Recently, specifically after I've watched Assassin's Creed Movie, I have a kind of Assassin's Creed fever, which means that I was interest in everything associated with Assassin's Creed. I even make myself look like an Assassin for my Facebook profile picture. I used to had a Star Wars fever. It happened everytime there's a new Star Wars movie. I was wishing that I have a real working hidden blade that wasn't to big and could retract and contract the blade with a flick of there wrist. I know that sounds absurd, but there are actually people selling hidden blades on Ebay, even though I don't know that do they really retract by the same way as to contract the blade.

  Yesterday, I watched Godfather III. I have nevar watched the second movie of the series. In this movie, Michael Corleone, son and successor of Vito Corleone, was trying to legalize his empire, which used to be a criminal empire. This is also the last movie of the trilogy, ending with the death of Michael Corleone. One of the two real life events that occurred in this movie is the death of Pope Joun Paul I.

  Tomorrow, there are no schooling for eight days. First of all, I am going to buy to ingredients I need to make my second try of cookies. This time, I'm using a new recipe. And if this wasn't taste better than the last time, I would try putting cacao powder into the mixture. All the ingredients that we didn't already have in our home was chocolate, brown sugar, and cacao powder. I have already found the recipe for this try of cookies yesterday, after I finished the blog entry for that day. After that, we will go to our grandparents house on my father's side. There, I will make the cookies. We will spend about four days there.

  I was also about to finish Legend for the second time. As I have stated, and probably numerous times before, it was the fifth and last book of the Arinthian Line series, though not the last book of the characters' adventures.

Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 1, 2017


  Last Friday is the last Friday that we went to our church before this year's Lunar New Year. I don't know my friends plan for Lunar New Year, but my cousin's is to go to Sai Gon, which I suspect sadden my friend a lot. As for mine, we went to our grandparents house, both my father's and mother's side. After that, we returned to Ha Noi, enjoying a few days of holiday there with whoever there is. 

  On Saturday, I spend most of my time chatting on Facebook and playing a turn-base strategy game on browser, atWar. I actually only able to play one and a part of a game. The first part was short, since ot was only a standard Extended Europe map. I befriended with two players, one of whom was premium. This game had five players, one player was ally with me. We planned to fight Red, who teamed up with Orange. I was attacked by the fifth player, who was also fighting with Red. Luckily, I was able to convinced him to make peace with me. And we defeated the other team. I asked my new found friend who was premium to start a custom map, at the start of the game, I choose USA Mountain States for one reason. There's a nuclear center there capable of creating nuclear weapon, one of the only two bases capable of doing that in the Western Hemisphere. I was able to extend my empire, naming my empire RIS, which stands for Republic of Imperial States. At the end of the the time I was allowed to play, we have a nuclear weapon check. At that time I had nine long range missiles and was the player who possessed the most long range missile. When I have to end, I have twelve long range missiles. 

  On Sunday, I redownloaded ARK: Survival of the Fittest. It was quite sucks. Not the game, but the waiting part. I spent most of my tome, waiting the the room which allowed four players per team for about thrity to fourty minutes. I also downloaded CaesarAI, an early access game, which meant that it was still in development. 

Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 1, 2017


  Yesterday, I watched YouTube instead of watching the television since there are no movie interesting for me on the television. I watched Jacksepticeye and Muselk game plays. I watched mostly Muselk's gameplay of Team Fortress 2 because I wish to show my friends his gameplays on Friday. 

  Talking about Friday, it seems that I could finish the Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie faster than expected. In fact, it should have been that I have already finished the autobiography. I have also finished writing the book report of the Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie. The report was about one and one fourth pages. I also sign on it with real signature. I haven't practiced my signature but to me the signatures looks similar enough. In the last parts of the book, it shows that he made friends with many powerful characters like President Harding, former Prime Minister William Gladstone, and the Emperor of Germany. He was also acquainted with President Roosevelt. The book actually ended in 1914, the start of World War I and five years before Carnegie's death. It is also shown in the end of the book that he worked very hard to promote world peace, which, of course, failed because in his life time there are gonna be a world war. So you can quite say that his efforts were futile. 

  In the evening, after I finished the Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie, I learn mathematics before I went to Mipec tower to buy some stuffs in Auchan. My mother took me there on the motorbike because she also go that way to take my sister home from school. After I bought three small baguettes, a bottle of Pringles, and two bottles of Mountain Dew, I walked home by myself. It actually doesn't took long for me to walk home. I have turned on the stopwatch and found out that it only took me about fourteen minutes to walk home. 

  Tomorrow, I will search through my Kindle to find another book for Book Report 4. 


Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 1, 2017


  I was still quite sad because I have finished the last book of the Arinthian Line series, Legend. That means that this series has ended. Part of me was happy for Augum, Leera, and Bridget, and the other part wasn't quite satisfied with the ending. But the fact that Sever Bronny, Arinthian Line's author, stated that the trio's adventure will continue on a new series. My favorite quote in Legend is, "Quarrel, quarrel, quarrel for the light, know naught but darkness should you lose the fight." I doesn't like this quote because what it said about but because that it sounds cool. This quote was made by a Resistance student from the Academy of Arcane Art. I don't remember her name, but her friends called her Laud. I think she was still alive at the end of the book. That quote was a poem that Laud made. Augum also likes that poem, although he hates poetry.

  Ok, enough of the Arinthian Line for today. Let's now talk about something else. Yesterday, I watched a movie called The 5th Wave. In this story, Cassie Sullivan was a teenage girl who was surviving the alien's attacks. They had already attack with four waves before. Cassie was looking for her younger brother, Sam, who was taken by the army alongg with other kids to be trained into soldiers to fiht against the aliens. Turns out, the army was the alien. They said that the aliens are controlling other humans body. The truth is those "aliens in human body" was just normal humans. The alien used the kids to kill the remaining humans. Cassie finally find her brother with her old crush, Ben Parish, who also know the alien's plan, with the help of another aloen that lloks like human, Evan Walker. Together, they escaped, except Evan. Now, Cassie, Ben, Sam, and Ben's squad, who also find out the plan, have to find a way to release the other kids.

  I had read 60% of The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie had already retired and started building libraries at this part of his autobiography. I will finish this book by the end of Friday if all went as I have planned.

Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 1, 2017


  Let's talk about last Sunday. In the morning, I went to the fair with my family. They are still selling ice cream there. Fortunately enough for them, it was a little bit warm. I bought a cup of chocolate ice cream and two cones of chocolate ice creams. They both costs the same. Both of them only have a scoop of ice cream. However, the ice cream cone which was also edible. That proves that the ice cream cones are a better buy. For lunch, I first ate spaghetti with meat sauce and sausages. The second time, I ate the same except that the string like spaghetti is replaced by a tube like thpe of spaghetti. That night, I watched Thor. It have been quite a long time since the last time I watched that movie.

  Today, I had finally finished the fifth book of The Arinthian Line, Legend. Since I know that rhis series is completed, I was less sad than when I finished the fourth book. Maybe it was because the series' author, Sever Bronny, said that he will continue the stories about Augum Stone, Leera Jones, Bridget Burns. He said at the end of his book that the next series about the story of the trio would be a trilogy, which I think means that there are only three books. In Legend, the trio had finally learned how to use Cron, which allows the caster to go back in time at the cost of they age. Mrs. Stone also almost die after fighting a enemy, but lives one because she accepted Kratos', an Leyan, invitation. Thus, Augum inherit the scion. He also know how to control Castle Arinthian. Finally, he defeated his father. However, the scions where all destroyed. That means he couldn't control the castle anymore since it was through the scion that he control the castle. The Legion fall and peace returned. The people wnats Augum and Leera to be king and queen of Solia, but they declined for wanting to concentrate in their training. However, Tiberia and the northern kingdoms wants war against Solia because they wants vengence. The trio lives in Castle Arinthian with Ms. Jezebel Terse, their mentor. The villagers of Milhalm also setter near the castle.

Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 1, 2017


  There are not much excited things going on last Friday. Most of the times I chat on Facebook and watch YouTube. I, however, doesn't showed my friends Muselk's gameplay of Team Fortress 2 as I intended on the next day, Saturday.

  On Saturday's morning, the first thing I do was open up Facebook, as usual. The first game I play was Team Fortress 2. I used mostly Sniper class. My sniper class was equip with a bow, the Fortified Compound. In Team Fortress 2, the Sniper had two bows, the Fortified Compound and the Huntsman. I don't know why, but the Huntsman seems more used than the Fortified Compound. I still like this bow, however, because if you charged it somewhere about five or four seconds then released it near the enemy's head, the arrow seems to automatically fly to the enemy's head. Thanks to this, I was able to kill three enemies in one life. And all of those were headshots. The second game I play was Empire Mod. I downloaded this game last Saturday but doesn't play it since the map downloads is just too slow. This time, it was faster. The game sets in a future war between the Brendi Empire and the Northern Faction. The Brendi Empire's weapons seems like a futuristic kond of weapon while the Northern Faction's weapons tends to looks like a handmade weapon. The metals on it looms like there's rust, and there are even pieces of clothes to bind the pieces together.

  In the evening, I went to the fair to set up the tables, chairs, etc. My friends and cousin are also there. It was a whole lot of fun. They really like it even though my friends went there using Über taxi, which costs them half of what both of them earned.

  Today, I finally got the fifth book of Arinthian Line, Legend. This book have been out since last Saturday. Fortunately, Sever Bronny allowed the book to be sold at $.99 for 48 hours instead of 24 hours, which I think was really lucky for me because I just bought it at the reduced price.

Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 1, 2017


  In the old days, parents always told their children to get inside. Now, they are telling us to get outside.

  They said that doing things in real life is better than in games. Wait until they saw shooting games.

  After sticking a picture of a UFO with a scotch tape, John said to his friends, "Look! I just caught the UFO on tape!"

  Yesterday, I watched videos on YouTube instead of watching the television. Downstair, my dad was watching Mechanic: Resurrection. He had finally been able to download the watchable version of that movie. I watched Jacksepticeye's Subnautica. The first time I watched a gameplay of Subnautica was from Markipiler. But his videos wasn't as good as Jack's videos. I also watch the old gameplays of No
More Rooms In Hell. If you think that the reason I downloaded No More Rooms In Hell without seeing what it was about just because I have watched Pewdiepie play it, then you are right. When I saw the title of that game, I unhesitatingly download it. I still wish that he still play that game. But Pewdiepie's recent videos aren't as good as they used to be. Back when I was watching his videos, he doesn't edit it as much. And his videos used to concentrate on the gameplays more. Now, his videos mostly are just him talking.

  Anyway, I have completed all the goals that I set for myself today. The followings are the goals that I set for today: learn 10 new English words, lift weighs and pratice abs, and read at least 3 percents of the Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie. I was considering reduce the readi to two percents per day instead of three percents per day.

Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 1, 2017


  "I'm shot!" That's what pull Jason out of his pondering. They are engaging the Zvenians fleet. Four hundreds years ago, humankind had developed spaceships capable of travelling faster than light speed with a small amount of fuel. Not long after that, they discovered another alien civilization, the Zvenians. Since then, the two races are fighting for domination. The Zvenians looks quite like human, except they are two meters high, with blue skin and red eyes. Their fleet is strong in fire power, but they can't out-maneuver the Terran's fleet.

  The Zvenians fleets are winning. Jason, commander of the 154th Star Fighter Squadron, is doing his best to try to protect the until the reinforcement come. Admiral Dean Fragan was on board of the Relentless. He was also trying to survive. On the Relentless was the valuable document of the Zvenians bases.

  "Enemies fighters are engaging," said the another pilot. "Fire at will," hollered Jason. "Hold on guys, the reinforcement going to arrive in a few minutes." But suddenly, out of the hyperspace, came what they fear the most. "Damn it! Their Death Ray Carrier is here. All fighters, split up. If one shot hits you, it will also hit another fighter near-by."

  "The Reinforcement has arrived!" Admiral Fragan said. Fresh new fighters are now engaging the Zvenians. "Let's push them back, boys," said Jason. "Watch out!" But before the Death Ray Carrier could shoot, the XS-23 bombers had destroyed it. "Good job, Nathan." Nathan, the pilot of the XS-23 bomber that just rescued them, was Jason's friend back in the Star Fleet Academy. The Zvenians finally retreated. "Look how fast they run!" "We've beat them bad!" Jason was happy, but he knew this isn't the last time tphe will saw them. The war will go on. Nobody knows when it going to end. But he knew, that as long as he lives, he will fight. 

Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 1, 2017


  Recently, I just realized something. For anyone who was borned at the end of the year of the 2002 or any year of the horse, I think it is okay to call that person a horse's ass.

  Last Saturday, when I played No More Rooms in Hell, I saw a player with a Yoshino from Date Alive player skin. I was pretty surprised. Fortunately, Steam allows the user to take screenshots. Unfortunately, that picture didn't got a lot of likes on my wall. I think I will post it later on my other groups.

  Last Sunday night, I watched Terminator 4: Salvation. In this movie, there's a executed murderer from before the Judgement Day. He was made into a part human and part robot being. Actually, I wasn't in the mood to write out the summary of the movie here, so I'm just gonna end talking about that movie here.

  In history today, I learned that the Confederate general, "Stonewall" Jackson, we shot by his own men when he ride back to came after dark. To me that was the worst way to die. It was like a death in some comedy movie or cartoon rather than in real life. He wasn't shot because his men betrayed him. He was shot because his men thought that he was an enemy. Now that's a bad way to die.

  Tonight, my dad downloaded two new movies. One was London has Fallen. The other was Mechanic: Resurrection. London has Fallen was Olympia has Fallen's sequel. I usually confused it with White House Down. Both of those movies are quite familiar. Both of them talks about some terrorists attack the White House and threaten the President. But some guy who used to be in the military helped the President escape and finally kill all of those terrorists. Both of those movies are like that.

Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 1, 2017


  Last Saturday, I played War Thunder and No More Rooms in Hell. Other than those two games, I also downloaded two new games, Braindead 2 and Empire Mod. Let's talk about them now. I initially play No More Rooms in Hell. But I changed to War Thunder because No More Rooms in Hell suddenly quit itself and continually quit itself everytime I tried to run the game. Both of the new games I downloaded sucks. However, I was about to unlock the Attacker class fighter in War Thunder. I've tried to play Empire Mod, but it took quite a time to download map. I deleted No More Rooms in Hell and then redownload it.

  On Sunday, after I had helped my dad searching for somethings, I was able to use the computer to play games. This time, No More Rooms in Hell worked. But before I tried that out, I downloaded a new game called Forge of Gods. This game is a 2D RPG Turn Based game. The only reason I downloaded this is because they are giving out free expansion packs on Bundle Star. The expansion pack originally costs $12.99, and I got it for free. Today, in No More Rooms in Hell, the moment where I am most displeased with the other players is when I was infected and buy pills from in game market. It happened that my inventory was full, so the pill was in hold mode. I had to drop it to throw an item out. Right after I dropped that pill, another player took my pill and doesn't give it back. That jerk happened to be also a Vietnamese. Unfortunately, this game doesn't have friendly fire.

  Today, I found out that the fifth book of Arinthian Line is out for Kindle on January 14th. That means by this week's Friday, I would be able to buy it. Also, this Sunday is when my parents next fair is. My cousin and friends are also going to work there.

  I was now catching up to the quizzes that I was missing. I was kind of behind. I was also reading the autobiography of Andrew Carnegie for my next book report.

Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 1, 2017


  Yesterday, I watched YouTube instead of watching the television. I watched Jacksepticeye play Raft, Subnautica, and Party Hard. I also watched Vanossgaming's Gang Beasts and Death Run. I like how Nogla pronounced Death Run to Deffwun. The series of gaming by Vanossgaming that I enjoyed the most is the Death Run. There a part where Nogla is killed by the platform, which just bounced up a bit. Gang Beasts is normal. I kind off like it, but not as the Death Run series. The funniest part is where everyone is ducking to avoid being hit by the sign. Then, one stood up and immediately got hit by the sign. It was like the sign was waiting for him to stand up. Subnautica was a game that I first watched Markipiler play, but I doesn't like it. But I enjoy watching Jacksepticeye playing it. Besides all of those videos, I also watched Pewdiepie's montage called Unfunny Montage. I haven't watched all of it, but my favorite part is when he jumped off a cliff to attack another enemy and scream out surprise. Of course, that wasn't the funny part. The funny part is that right after he had killed that one, there's another enemy which attacked him. He even add the voice of a person saying surprise. After that his character just standing there while Pewd was breathing hard. Suddenly, there's an explosion next to his character, and he screamed.

  In the biography of Isaiah which I was reading for my book report, I already read past fifty percent. I have already got to the part where Judah just got a new king. I forgot his name, but he was very godly. He got rid of idolatry. He even re-established the Past Over feast.

  We are getting into the Civil War in history these days. In hustory, we learned about the North's advantages and the South's advantages and the Battle of First Bull Run, as the North called itm or Battle of the Forst Manessa, as the South call it, or vice versa. The reason I added "or vice versa" is because I don't remember correctly which was call by the North and which was call by the South. But I was pretty sire that I was correct.

Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 1, 2017


  Ok, let's continue talking about last Saturday's morning. Besides playing Fistful of Frags, which I doubt that I will play it again next Saturday, I also played Star Conflicts. It have been a long time since the last time I played it. I deleted it because I was having a hard time connecting it to a match. This time, however, I was able to connect to a game. Unfortunately, there's something wrong with the graphic, making it had all type of colors. I was still able to play it. And after that first match, I try to fix the problem. After two or three other matches with that problem. Unfortunately, right after that match, the problem reappeared. And this time, I was unable to fix it. I only played War Thunder for a bit. I still haven't finished researching the Valentina Mk. I light tank. I still only have four ground vehicles. 

  That Saturday's evening, my dad and I went out to watch Assasin's Creed the Movie. That movie was OK. Not as good as I expected it to be. It costs me 150,000 vnd. After I finished watching Assasin's Creed, I went into the bookstore in that building, Fahasa. I bought volume two and volume three of The Ranger's Apprentice. Unfortunately, I haven't see any new volume for the light novels that I currently have. But I already have a plan to buy the third volume of Spice and Wolf. And I might also buy a few volumes of Good Job Club. Also, I received a letter from Sever Bronny, author of the Arinthian's Line series. The letter said that book five is about to come out. It had the first few part of chapter one. I haven't read it because I intended to read the whole book when it was out. 

  Yesterday, I watched a movie called Intern. This movie talks about Ben Whittaker, a widowed retired man who work as an intern at a fashion company, and his boss. That movie was enough for me to like it. I also watch part of a sitcom show by Disney called Girls Meet World. It have been a long time since the last time I watched a Dosney sitcom. The last one might be Good Luck, Charlie! Girls Meet World, however, might be my favorite one. 

Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 1, 2017


  Last Saturday, I downloaded a new game through Steam for my computer, Fistful of Frags. This game's home looks like it was developed by Valve. It was kind of like Six-Guns merged with a Counter Strike game. After we respond, we only have 20 seconds or so to buy weapon. The game is set in the old wild West where there's cowboys and stuffs. The multiplayer consists of four different teams. All of those teams fight the other team like a Free For All game mode. The weapon that I like to use the most is a double barrel shotgun. It costs $35 dollars. This weapon does much damage in close range. Pistols could only shoot in close range. The rifle had quite a good range, however, it doesn't have crosshair, and it have only one bullet every time you reload, with the exception of the
Winchester. Another gun that I like to use, Mag's Leg, was pretty good. The only thing that I'm questioning about is does it have spray bullets. However, this game is hard, players keep spawning randomly, making it hard for team mates to follow each other. And, somehow, it always looks like I'm the least skilled player. Usually, in a 10 minutes game, I only got two kills. The spguns of our enemies usually disappeared after we killed them. However, if you are able to knock the weapon off their hands, we could equip it. In the singleplayer, we usually have a box which was could choose a pistol, a rifle, a portable bottle of whiskey, or an axe. We can't buy weapon, but, as in multiplayer, we could take the enemies' weapon if we knocked them off the enemies' hands. There are some supply drop. One thing that sucks in this game is we only have one life. That means if we die once, the game is over.

  On Sunday, my family and our aunt's family went to our grandparents' house. I was able to talk with my friends on Facebook a lot.

I just found out today that the third volume of Spice and Wolf. There are also seven volumes of Good Job Club. I intended that after I received the money which I will earn after I worked at my parents' fair, I will buy it through the internet.