Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 5, 2016


  Last Saturday, I was allowed to play on my computer. I played the game atWar. AtWar was a game like the cardboard game Risk. I forgot every other things that happened on Saturday. Oh, except that my dad and I went to the supermarket to buy stuffs to make hamburgers when we went my to grandparents' house on Sunday. 

  On Sunday, I went to my grandparents' house on the bus with my cousin. Because my cousin went with me, I had someone to talk to. And it was quite fun. We talked about a lot of things, but one of the things we talked about that I remembered we about songs. We talked about songs that one of us know and the other don't. After we arrived there and have lunch, I found out that my mom forgot to bring the bread with her. As the result, we have to use the mayonnaise for her spaghetti. I played atWar on the iPad that we brought with us. Even though the wifi wasn't very good and I usually be disconnected, I could stills play it. For dinner that day, we have chicken and my mom's spaghetti. Her spaghetti sauce contains of meats, tomatoes, mayonnaise, and ketchup, or tomato sauce, as some might called it so. It was delicious. That night, my dad downloaded Plants vs Zombies on iPad for my sister since the TV was unable to watched, and she had "nothing" to do. 

  On Monday, not much happened that I remembered. One of the thing that I'm most proud of happened on Monday. I myself mixed mayonnaise, ketchup, and tomato sauce for me and my cousin. And both of us think that it has enough mayonnaise and ketchup mixed together. I played iPad for few hours before lunch. After we arrived home, I watched a movie called Meet the Parents. It talkes about and guy name Greg and his trip to his girlfriend's parents' house. Things was quite messed up. And near the end of the movie, it was revealed that Greg's real name was Gaylord. 

  On Tuesday, we stills have a day off. I also played atWar. My when I was playing and had conquered most of Asia, my mom told me to go out and buy some milk for my sister. When I returned home, I was disconnected from the game because I was AFK(Away From Keyboard) too long. So that means that I lost 30 minutes worth of playing. Oh, and my dad started to learn about marketing from early in the morning untill 6:00 pm. 

  Today, I started to learn as usual. My dad, when he went to school, took with him the iPhone that I used to timed my walking speed so I have to walk without the phone. I also reached the 13th percent of the autobiography of Thomas Jefferson.  

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