Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 5, 2016


  Yesterday, my dad said we're gonna watch the next episode of the Indiana Jones franchise. But after the family meeting, my dad realized that it wasn't the day for us to watch movie as we had planned. As for the family meeting, I was the one who had to present the story. I deciced to present the article that I just translated earlier that day. The article that I translated earlier that day was about how to not mind what people think about you. But I didn't talked fluently, so the speech was a bit of confusion. And I also started on reading the third book of the Arinthian Line series. I stills enjoyed then even though this is the second time I read this book. 

  Today, I had ton to tests. History, language, literature, science, and Bible, all of them had a test. Most of those tests are Nine Week Exam. The Bible exam was a verse exam. I did quite good at the first and last test, but the second one wasn't so good. It actually only consists of two long verses, but I shorten then greatly. I think it was an interesting coincidence that I related about the Bible exam first, and I also work on the Bible exam test first. In math, which we don't have any test or exam today, we learned about the area measures and area of rectangle and square. 

  Now, I shall tell you about the Arinthian Line series, or as written in old English, I shalt tell thou about ye Arinthian Line series. Augum Stone, the main protagonist of the series, was at the town called Willowbrook when the Legion, and army that came to power in Solia, attacked the town. He was training with Sir Westwood. Unfortunately, Sir Westwood were killed while Augum ran away. Later, he met Anna Atticus Stone, a legendary warlock and, as augum would later found out, his great grandmother. Mrs. Stone taught him arcane along with Bridget Burns and Leera Jones, who parents died when the Legion attacked the town of warlocks, Sparrow Perch. Lord of Legion, Lividius Stone, was Augum's father. Lividius intended to get all of the scions to open the portal to Ley, where there's people who were immortal and hold ancient arcane secrets. Augum's great grandfather was a Leyan. 

  Tonight, my dad and I gonna watch the next movie in the Indiana Jones franchise. My dad also bought a bunch of small sishes for us. We used to have fishes until they all died of some disease. 

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