Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 5, 2016


  Yesterday, I watched the movie called The Revenant. The movie was about a guy in the colonial age or something. He was a trapper. After a guy from his team left him there to dead, he stills escaped. The movie was kinda boring, and I accidently quitted the movie in the middle of the movie. My television was the kind that won't let you play fast forward any faster than twice the normal speed. I didn't have the patience to wait so I stopped watching it and prepared to bed. Now, I've started to read Don Quijote. 

  Because the sole of my feet was stills hurt, I don't need to walk in the today's morning. I ate cereal for breakfast. My mom made me some fried dough for breakfast, but I preferred cereal. In history, we talked about the rise of Communist in Russia. Nothing was significant, anyway. In English, I had a spelling quiz. I did quite well except for the part where my dad pronounced the word "clothes" like "close". In science, we started to learn about cells. It reminds me of a joke that goes like this. "There was a sheriff who prison was nicknamed 'protozoan' because it only have one cell." Get it? One cell? Well, if you didn't find this joke funny, then it proofed that this joke wasn't for everyone. Anyway, the book also showed is on how to use a light microscope. In mathematics, we learned how to disect an angle. There's no Bible lesson today. 

  There's quite many things to tell that happened in the afternoon. After I've finished mathematics, I tried to sleep a little. But instead, I went up to type my research paper. My research paper was about light bulb. I stills find some errors after it was printed out. At some parts, I forgot to space between lines and also forgot to capitalized the first letter of the sentence. And the third part of the outline was not indented as it was needed. But it was stills good enough. There's some part that I felt that I did a really good job to make it more "exciting". The first copies of the research paper was good. But I soon found out that the page number of the sixth pages was on the seventh page. I had to fix it. Now, it stills had some minor errors. I will fixed them tomorrow. Well, after I've printed my research paper out, I went to my room, and sleep until it was nearly 6:00 pm. 

  Tonight, none of us watched movie because it was our turn to watch movie. Thursday was the day to do other activities and not watch movies. I intended to play Monopoly tonight. I hope my mom also play with us because it was boring for just two people to play. Except the board games with the maximum players of two, playing board games with just two players is no fun. 

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