Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 5, 2016


  Yesterday, my family had a family meeting. After that, we went to sleep. But the power went out and I had a lie down at my parents' badroom because that's where the storing power fan was. But just 10 minutes or so after the blackout started, the power went back up. I read the book 15 Years Old Captain by Jules Verne. I decided to used it as my next book report since I've never read that book before. 

  Today, my dad take my sister to school. After that, he went to the hospital because he felt that there's something stucked in his throat. Today, I didn't walked as fast as usual because my abdomen hurts. It hurts every time I walked to fast and shake up and down. The time for today was 46 minutes a d 40 seconds. As in history class today, I learned about the rising of Communist in Russia along with a little bit of pre-Communist Russia. The first czar, which means empire or caesar, was Ivan III. His son, Ivan IV, was better know as Ivan the Terrible for his tyranny. Queen Catherine, whom I had completely forgot the number after her name, cherished the idea of Western Europe, especially those of Voltaire. But after the French rose against their government, Catherine began to fear and do something that I have no idea any longer. As for language, I have no new things to learn today. And finally, in mathematics, we used the protractor. The protractor was a semi-circle shaped tool used to measure the angle's degrees. 

  Today, I translated another article for my dad. The article was about four habits that we need to learn so we could command respect from others. My dad and I had a to talked about what does the phrase "command respect" means. My dad thought it means that other respects our commands, but I think it means you command others respect for you. And I was right. 

  After that, I got to play iPad. I played a ancient Greek World map. I couldn't started that game since it needs premium in order to starts a game with a special map. But, I got most of the lands below the Corinth Canal or something. 

  Well today, I found out that I haven't watched all of Steven Universe season 2. I stills missed, like, 8 episodes left. I think I gonna watch those before it's nine o'clock when my dad watched movie. 

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