Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 5, 2016


  Last Saturday, my grandma and aunt with her son came to our house while I played AtWar. My dad also bought few more fishes and a underwater plant. My mom, grandma, aunt, and her son were intended to go to the zoo; but it was just too hot that day so they stayed home to sleep and watch TV. 

  On Sunday, my dad also go to buy some new fishes, this time, I got to choose two orange fishes that were bigger than my dad's guppies. Later my dad bought a new water cleaner. But the cleaner was just too strong, and if you look at the fishes then, they looked as if they were sucked by a vortex. At that night, he went to buy a new cleaner, but none was enough. So he bought a tank that was included a cleaner. And I bought four black fishes with my own money. The new tank was placed in the place of the old tank, while the old tank was brought upstair to my room. It now contains the baby fishes. 

  Today, I completed my walking goal. I walked three miles for 44 minutes and 12 seconds. Last time, the time was 44 minutes and 30 seconds or something near that. This morning, I bought four small loaves of bread for breakfast. I planned that I will have two loaves and my dad will have the other two and eat with butter. But my dad had already ate rice for breakfast, and I could only eat one loaf. When I was preparing for the tests or quizzes that we might have and tear them out to place in the folder, I accidentally looked at lesson 137, which was five days later from the lesson of today. But I found that out in history because Mr. Smith has already reached the place where that we won't learn until days later. Anyway, in history, I learned about the end of World War I. President Woodrow Willson said that he wished that this war was "the war of end all wars." "The war to end all wars" was the name for the World War I map in the game AtWar. And an important figure of France that I forgot his name said that the Treaty of Versaile, or something, only set the next stage for another war. Another French guy said that the treaty of Paris was just an armistice, a stop firing agreement, for twenty years. Twenty five years or so later, his prediction was true, and the mext war was World War II. In science, Iearned that the Iraelite make sure that there's spider in their apple orchards because spider catch harmful insects. So was the Chinese with their rice fields. 

  Today, I just translated another article. The article was the 4th out of 100 articles that I need to translate before May 16th, 2017. The article was about fifty habits that you was a born entrepreneur. After that, I played AtWar. But I didn't have time to finish the game before my time to play rans out. Tonight, we will have a family meeting. My mom was the one who was going to tell us a story with a lesson. But after I finished this, I'm gonna showed my dad the video about bad English translated signs in foreign countries. And if there's any words I could used to describe that video, then that word was stupidly hilarious. 

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