Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 4, 2016


  Yesterday, I watched movie instead of today. It was Tuesday, and I choose to watch on Tuesday because I might be very busy on Wednesday, which is today. I watched a little bits of the movie Unfriended until I realized that it was a horror movie. After that, I watched the last part of Hitch, the movie in which tells us about a guy who was a love doctor and stuffs like that; and it starring Will Smith. I've watched this before with my dad through the USB. Personally, I wished I could watched Independence Day or National Treasure. Independence Day starring Will Smith, and National Treasure starring Nicholas Cage. I've never watched Independence Day, but I've watched National Treasure before. It had two episodes, and I've watched both of them. Independence Day will have a reboot this year or next year, but I doubted that Will Smith will be in the movie. The last movie I watched was Spy. The only actor that I actually know before I watched the movie was the guy who played as the Transporter in The Transporter, The Transporter II, and The Transporter III. My dad used to like that movie when I was about seven, so I've watched all of the three movie. Anyway, Spy was about a supporting agent in the CIA. One day, her coworker was killed while doing his mission, so the supporting agent, named Susan Cooper, ask the go to the field and keep an eye on the one who killed her coworker. Her target was possessing a mini nuke, and she knows all of CIA's top agents, so Cooper was sent. I've watched this movie before so I believed that I have already included the movie's details before.  

  There's a few thing I need to include today. But I won't say first, or then, or last because I don't feel like doing that, OK? I think that you might be wondering why I always started the sentence with the sentence, "Today, I have few things to say," or sentences similar to that. You know what I mean. It was because I was taught in language that every paragraph need a topic sentence, a sentence that told what the paragraph was about. And since I had no other better ideas, I used what I always say at the beginning of the paragraph about today. Ok, so into the main stuffs. I failed to reach my walking goal. I was supposed to walk three miles for fourty-six minutes or less. But my time was fourty-six minutes and fifty seconds. You might noticed that my walking speed used to increase before, but had stopped increasing these days. That was because my speed goal was to be three miles for fourty-six minutes for the last half year of school. I had reached the third percent in the biography about Thomas Jefferson. I have also reached the fifth book of The Secret of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel. And I also translated another article that my dad sent me yesterday. I might have forgotten the say that my dad sent me two articles to translate yesterday. Of course, I didn't need to translate both of them yesterday. I just need to translate one yesterday, and the other whenever I want. 

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