Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 4, 2016


  Yesterday, my family and I had a family meeting. The family meeting was held while I was making yesterday's blog entry. Well, at least most of it. After I have finished making the blog entry, my family listened the me tried, and failed, to play the whole song of He's a Pirate in a way that I haven't tried before. I failed because I didn't know the melody, or tune or whatever it's called. And also because I wasn't familiar the this way of playing. At least, I played the song The Star Spangled Banner better than the last time I tried. I could still play Lambada and Kumbayah as fluently as before. I also tried some new songs, but most of them are too long, and other were too short. I also found some Irish traditional's jigs. By that time, I didn't have any idea what a jig was, but it was extremely fast. It was faster than I could play. It was like playing He's a Pirate at 1.5 times the original speed of the song. Or maybe twice. Before I went to bed, I continued to read The Necromancer, the fourth book of the series The Secret of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel. I might have mentioned this long ago, back in the early entries of this blog, that the series was written by an Irish author, Michael Scott. Know I don't know about you, but I find that it's quite funny when an Irish had the last name Scott. And by the way, I think that today's entry will be shorter than yesterday's entry due to the fact that I had less things to include today. 

  Today, few things were important enough to include if not to include the things that happened in school. I also completed my goal of walking three miles for fourty-six minutes or faster. But I was slower than yesterday by fifty-six or fifty-four minutes. The time today was fourth-five minutes and fourty seconds. In science, Mrs. Stancel, or science teacher, who I believed that I have never mentioned this before, showed us a dead Madagascar hissing cockroachand some beetles that was alive. I don't remembered the species of the beetle, nor it's name, which I, by the time writing this was was thinking about the name. I didn't noticed to see if Mr. Smith stills wear glasses today, but I can tell that he wears glasses the last today. 

  I also translated an article that my dad sent me just today. He said that the article that I translated from the article he sent me was much better than the articles that I've translated before. This had only a few misspelled errors. And I'm quite happy that I'm getting better at it. Tonight, I might watch movie on HBO or Star Movies. Tonight, before I went to sleep, I will read two or three percents of the biography of Thomas Jefferson then continued with The Necromancer. 


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