Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 4, 2016


  Last Thursday, I searched on Platinum Cinema's website to find the date time that they will have Kung Fu Panda 3 which was a movie that I didn't enjoy. But, some what fortunately, I looked at the wrong Cinema where they gonna have the movie. I didn't found that out until we reached the Platinum Cinema near us. Because the only other movie that was good was Batman vs Superman; and that movie was NC-16 which means No Children (Under) 16, we all went home. My sister was fussing about that, so I have to play the cinema version on iPad for her while I and my dad watched movie down stairs. 

  Last Friday, I finally bring a topic to discuss at our Bible school for children every Friday. I also started to give a tithe of my income to the teacher. Somehow, at the end of school time, we talked about a completely different thing; or, at least, it wasn't how it was supposed to be about. 

  Saturday, my parents and younger sister went to an art fair while I go to Hao Mai by myself to buy guitar strings because I broke the D string on my guitar; and there's no D string left. I started out about 8:15 am. First, I walked to bus station, which is about 1,09 miles away. I boarded the bus 22. Luckily, both time when I was going to Hoa Mai and going home, I didn't have to wait for the bus. Thanks God about it. In the afternoon, instead of playing on iPad, which I normally do but was now bored of it, I played on my computer, playing few flash games and watch Jacksepticeye, Pewdiepie, Smosh, or Markipiler. And some other videos like a guy making dominos into pictures of Gravity Falls' characters and the three journals. The domino video was very well made and impressive. And the videos of the gamers that I've already listed above was funny, especially Pewdiepie's so called Dark Soul 3 Zero Death Run in which he tried to die as least as possible. 

  On Sunday, I went to my mother's mom's house. After we arrived home, I played Lego until 5:00 pm; and then sleep. At night, after I've finished watching the new Justice League cartoon, Justice League vs Teen Titans. It was like the sequel of Justice League: Doom and Son of Batman, I read the biography about Edison until 12:00 am. Since my dad told me that I have to make a report about that book today, which I can't because I haven't finished it, I decided that I will finished the book by next week's Thurday. 

  Today, I learned to draw a few simple shapes using Python. My dad told me to make a tube using Python. I couldn't do that using Graphics, and so was my dad. Now, I have to learn Python's Turtle to make a tube. 

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