Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 4, 2016


  Last Saturday, my parents and younger sister went to my grandparents' house while I got there by myself on a bus. I started for the bus station by 8:30 am, and got to my grandparents' house by 11:30 am. Because my dad made a deal with me that if I could get there by myself on the bus, I could play iPad "freely", or "as much as I want", all Saturday and Sunday. Too bad that I couldn't get back to my grandparents' house next weekend because by that time, I was already at a farm to experience farm life. I played the game Ravensword: Shadowlands again. I used to download that game after I've played that game on a mobile in an electric store. When I first played to game, I didn't played good enough to past the second main mission of the game; and so I quit. I would later on redownload the game and got further in the game than the last time, but I still quit. By now, I was quite good at the game. 

  Not much to tell about Sunday except that I punched my cousin in his stomach so hard that he felt, in his word, "hard to breathe." He punched him because he attacked my sister. We also went home on Sunday. I stills have a free day on Monday, though. 

  On Monday, we went to eat chicken hotpot. I went to Vinmart to buy Mentos and my dad bought face washing cream and fruits. And guess what happened when I got home, I had to go to toilet; and my feces was in liquid form, again. 

  So let me said shortly about the highlights in Tuesday and Wednesday. On those days, I suddenly didn't walked as fast as I usually do and, unfortunately, was also unable to walk as fast as I was required to. At least on Wednesday, I finished the book Edison, His Life and Inventions. Oh, and my Bible test got a hundred. 

  Today, I noticed that Mr. Smith also wear glasses today, but he didn't wear glasses yesterday. And my language test was 100, or at least that's what I remembered. We got to see some insects in science these few days. I saw a live grasshopper and some ladybug's larvae. We also had a new instrument in science. We got a light microscope. The light microscope, if I'm correct, allowed people to see closer with it's lens and with light.

  There're three things that was notable this afternoon. First thing is that I had completed my research paper about light bulbs. Next is that I had started and finished my book report of the book Edison, His Life and Inventions. In class, the report was supposed to be started tomorrow, but I started earlier than the rest of the class. I had also done with translating another article that my dad sent me to translate. The article was about eight skills that an eighteen years old need to have. I got 20,000 vnd for the article. 

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