Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 4, 2016


  Last Saturday, instead of going to a farm so I could experience the life there as we planned to, my dad and I went to the hospital to have an examination of my digestive system. While I was there, I had to drink two fourty-five milliliter bottle of a medicine used to clean the digestive system that tasted like the cockroach's feces. And I tell you, it does NOT tastes good at all. I had to drink it along with a one and a half liter bottle of water. After I have done with those terrible tasting medicine, I had to drink another one liter and a half bottle of another medicine that tasted more pleasant than the last. But when there was only a few gulps away from finishing the bottle, I suddenly drank too much in one gulp, making me, whose stomach was full of waters, vomit all of the things which was in my stomach. I guess I vomit all the medicines because my vomits was clear and a little bit sticky, eww. Other things that I did there was taking feces samples, taking blood samples, taking the record of my heart beat using electric, seeing inside my body using supersonic waves, and seeing inside my digestive system using a camera that was put inside my body. Gross. At night, I played iPad. I played Ravensword: Shadowlands. I finally finished the whole game. 

  As for Sunday, not much happened. We have breakfast, then I read book and continued while my parents sleep, then have dinner, and finally, I watched Captain America: Winter Soldier before we had a blackout that forced me to go to be immediately. Captain America 2, as it was also called and henceforth gonna be called CA2, was the sequel of Captain America: The First Avenger. Steve Roger, while finding what Nick Fury was hiding before his death, found out that SHIELD was actually a new form of a German organization in World War II that was called HYDRA. SHIELD was about the launch the Insight Project, which will let three Helicarriers with many weapons flying around ready to shoot anyone that was considered a threat to the world. But the planned turned to be different under the HYDRA. The plan was to shoot anyone who is and will became a threat to HYDRA. And Steve also found out that the Winter Soldier was actually his friend, Bucky Banner. 

  Today, not much important things happened. First, I successfully walked three miles with the time of fourty-four minutes and fourth-six seconds. In English, I don't have any homework that I need to do in grammar because we discussed about our research paper's second draft; and the actual homework was already done by me before. I had also finished the third book of the series The Secret of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel and will started to read the biography of Thomas Jefferson tommorrow. Tonight, I gonna play the song He's a Pirate, the theme song of the series Pirates of the Caribbean, entirely, or, at least, as far as I can. 

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