Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 4, 2016


  Yesterday, there's something new and somethings that I usually do. First, my dad and I walked with the Nike app on iPhone turned on. I had the idea to find out how far we walked and see how much time it tooks us to walk. We walked only seven circles instead of eight because we went to buy toothpaste. While we were there, I bought ice creams for myself and my whole family; but my mom felt cold so she wouldn't eat any ice cream. I bought ice creams with my own money that I earned from translation articles that my dad sent me to translate and setting up the fair for my parents. 

  On yesterday's night, I watched the movie The Last Witch Hunter, starring Vin Diesel as Kueldrer, or something like that. Kueldrer was in a party that hunt the witches' queen in the Middle Ages period. He burned the witch queen, but the queen's heart wasn't destroyed so she could still be resurrected. The witch queen cursed Kueldrer by make him live forever. Then, the setting turns to the twenty-first century. The witches and humans lived together in harmony. But some witches still wants to revive their queen. At the end, it turns out that the witch queen just give Kueldrer immortality because she wants him to hold the immortality for her. Kueldrer, with the help of another good witch, defeated to witch queen and prevent her to make another outbreak of Black Death. 

  This morning, I was so close in walking for three miles in fourty-six minutes or less. The time said foury-six minutes and one second, but I think it's more like fourty-six minutes and nine tenth of a second. Just because I didn't clicked stop enough, the time was one seconds later, making me failed. In language, I started to right the introduction of our research paper. My introduction was about four or five, maybe seven, lines long. And the introduction sounds good to me. It has an declarative phrase, but it had the phrase "or was it?" at the end of the sentence. I think people who read that last phrase might wants to read my research paper, but just might. And I also found out that the due date for my book report of the book Edison, His Life and Inventions at school was the same as the due date of the book report at home. In history, Mr. Smith stopped wearing glasses. And we also learned about English's colonization in Asia, but there's nothing interesting enough to include. It's pretty funny. The least important thing in history was the one of the few things that was included in here. In mathematics, actually, I just forgot what I learned today. Maybe I'll check out tomorrow. 

  Today, I finally completed my line graph, which had no order whatsoever. I tried to make it as random as I could possibly do. I have also make a bar graph. The bar graph was easier to enter numbers and make the computer draw a graph. But my dad ordered some other improvements to make the programming shorter, which create much problems to me. Tonight, my dad and I watched Transporter 2, the movie where the transporter delivered a boy, which was injected with virus that spreads through the air, before we walk. It slows things down, and it was nearly 10:00 pm now. I haven't even finished 7 percents of the book yet. 

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