Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 2, 2016


  Yesterday, I watched Star Wars: Clone Wars on YouTube; but I haven't watch YouTube for long when my dad told me to take a bath. After taking a bath, I couldn't continue to watch YouTube because it was my day to watch YouTube. So instead of that, I started to go to bed, but I read the book 1,001 More Great Jokes before I went to bed. It was one of the two joke books that my dad gave me last year. This book had funnier jokes than the other book. 

  Today in class, there's not so much thing that was significant. In history, the first thing I learned about was about the Hundred Years War. The war was between England and France. England tried to get the land in France that they've lost during King John's reign. At first, the English army was winning. During a reign of a weak French king, a peasant girl, Joan of Arc, that claimed to hear a voice from heaven that told her to lead the French army in the war. Joan of Arc did win some battle until the English army caught her and burned her at the stake. Next, I learned about the War Between Roses. After the English people overthrown King Richard II, a new king came to the throne, starting the Lancaster line of kings. The last Lancaster king went mad. So a man from the family of York seized the throne. The Lancaster and the Yorks battled of one hundred years until the Lancaster win and a Lancaster married a York and started the line of Tudor kings. In science, the teacher showed us some mollusks and other sea creatures. She showed us sea shells, a star fish, a sea urchin, a octopus, a sponge, a coral, and a squid. The sponge was the only multi-cells creature without a complete nervous system.   

  Today, I went to my friend's house. He had a plane control simulator. I've tried to land it twice. It went head down the first time. In the second time, I managed to land it; but I lost two blades out of four. The plane in the simulator was a B-17. After that, we went out for a walk. We talked about the Star Wars movies. Both of us like the Star Wars movies. We discussed a lot about it. When he wished that the Star Wars characters would come to earth, I told him about the comic that had the part where Han Solo did actually came to earth and his bones was dicovered by no one other than Indiana Jones. I went home at 5:00 pm on a bus. 

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