Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 2, 2016


  Last Saturday, my dad, mom, and sister went to the zoo while I stayed at home. I read books a little bit then watched YouTube. When the other members of the family returned, we went to Aeon Mall to eat at Burger King. Both of me and my dad ordered a Double Whooper. The Double Whooper was a big beef burger that had two patties. The beef was said to be grilled on fire. It happens that there was Vietnam Cosplay Cup there. After lunch, we went to Bat Trang to meet my dad's friend there. Bat Trang was a place famous for making porcelains. My mom bought me a cup with the symbol of Starbuck, making it looks like a Starbuck's cup. 

  Yesterday, I make Milo in my new, personal cup for the first time. I don't know how, but the milk just always seems to had too much water in it. And as a result, I had to put more sugars or another pack of Milo into it. We started heading toward my grandparents' house early in the morning. And by early, I mean 9 am because we still get ready later than we expected. There're many elder members of the family there for dinner. When we arrived home, it was nearly 9:20 pm. I looked for places in a city which we planned to go this weekend. I also looked for a place in Winnipeg for no important reason. 

  This morning, I walked 2 miles for thirty-three minutes fourty-three seconds. It was slower than the last time by ten seconds. I had an incredible amount of test this morning. This might be the record of the morning section that had the most tests. There four tests. We had history, science, language, and literature. As the result, I learned mathmetic this morning too. In the afternoon, I only had to learn Bible because I already had learned math in the morning. We had a review lesson today. The thing that I'm worried about was the verses test. I doesn't remembered the verses in this semester. 

  Today, I had learned Python on Codecademy extremely well. I had completed about 7 percents for about one hour. It was equal to two units. I'm proud that I had done the works well and good. My dad and I walked this afternoon for six rounds, but it rained so hard that we had to returned home. We had a family meeting today, and my dad was to direct it. 

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