Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 2, 2016


  In yesterday's night, as I've said, I wrote blog late because we watched Zootopia at Long Bien Vincom Platinum Cineplex, or you could just simply call it a cinema. In Zootopia's trailer, Judy Hopps had an elephant tranquilizer. But in the movie, Judy, nor any other polices, had the elephant tranquillizer. Judy only had a Fox-Away Spray, and the only two weapons in the movie was a taser gun and a gun that shoot the balls containing the Nighthowler's juice. The movie was the best 3D cartoon movie that Disney has ever made. Other movie would had scene of normal, then happy, then sad, and then the grand, happy ending. But Zootopia had two sad scenes, making it looks like it's also gonna end in the second happy scene. 

  In history, we learned that the Chinese alphabet had sixty-thousands symbols. Mr. Smith said that if we lived in ancient China, and our parents told us to sing the alphabet song, then I would be hard. And I also noticed that Mr. Smith wears glasses today. I mean, since when did he had to wear glasses. I've never seen him wearing glasses before, then he suddenly wears it now. In language, we could chose one of the two exercises in the book for the first time. One was that describe a place and imagine that you've never been there before. But I choose that other one, which is imagine that you were blind and describes a room with details using the other senses. I also had Spelling and Vocabulary Quiz today, and I'm sure I've done a one hundred percent correct. We almost finish the part about the Exodus in the Bible. After the Exodus, we would learn about the life of Jesus. 

  I translated a little bit out of the article that my dad told me to translate it back to Vietnamese. The article was about how to teach your children about financial. After that, I tried to find the tablatures of the ending song of the cartoon series Star VS the Forces of Evil and the opening song of Wander Over Yonder. But there's only chords of those songs. Then, I watch the bionicle MOCs that people made on YouTube. DrScorpionX haven't upload of combination of the three toa Bioformers on YouTube yet. But there's a lot of other's Bioformers. My skill on playing the theme song of Gravity Falls had increase noticeably. I also ordered a pizza and an empty boc for my sister to take it to the school to do a who-know-what project. Anyway, it was my day to watch TV, and I won't be late for the time. Cause I'm before the time now. 

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