Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 2, 2017


  Ok, let's talk more about things that happened during last weekend. So, in Team Fortress 2, I tried the Spy Sniper Strategy that Muselk, the most famous Team Fortress 2 YouTuber that I have ever known of used in one of his videos. The reason I want to use this strategy because the only other way to kill enemies with Spy is to backstab enemies, which I sucks at. However, my current revolver that I was using is the Ambassador. And it's special ability is critical hits on headshot, which is going to be hard if I must stand far away from enemies. But it might work if I disguised as enemy's ally and headshot it instead of backstabbing. This way, I could kill in enemy with one shot infront and behind him without getting close to him. Another reason that it will works is because I could now disguise as Heavy, which was really slow if you disguised as him, making it hard to backstab in that disguise. I think most enemy will not suspect Heavy. Another thing about Team Fortress 2 is that I'm finding a way to forge a shield for Demoman, which enable him to charge with his melee weapon, which I dont think that I have any melee weapon suitable for it.

  Yesterday, our family members are finding an English name for us to use when we get to Canada. My dad's name is going to be Moses; my mom's is going to be Sarah; my sister's is going to be Hannah; and mine is going to be Luke, as in Luke Skywalker.

  Tonight, I had to write a preliminary outline for my research paper. My research paper is going to be about the American Civil War. This is going to be long. My goal is to finish it so that I can still watch the television

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