Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 2, 2017


  Last Thursday, I wrote the backstory for my fictional universe. How do you like it? It obvious that I was better at backstories than current stories since I was better at imaginations than details. Thouh it was still bad, I think I could still improve my backstory skill.

  Ok so, first thing of the week is to sum up all things that had happened throught Friday to Sunday. Friday was kind off lame. Still, I was happy that there's no lesson for the day; and we got a thing called "lucky money", which was the money you gave to young and old people with the belief that they will became lucky, if we choosed and correctly answered a Bible question.

  On Saturday, I spent rather few time for Facebook. Most of my times I played Team Fortress 2. I was so happy since I got three new weapons. One was a melee weapon which looks like a sign which was equip-able for most classes. The other two weapons were Spy's revolvers. Both of them looks big. They are the Diamondback and the Ambassador. The Ambassador was used by one of the best Team Fortress 2 player on YouTube that I ever know of, Muselk. This weapon guarantee critical hit if it was a headshot. Unfortunately, it was hard for me to headshot. Also, I have completed an impressing feat of getting two backstabs in one life. I have down three times in Mann vs Machine. I could have done it four times, if I didn't miss the fourth one.

  On Sunday, I went to the house of the friend whom usually borrowed my books, and whom I usually ask her to buy a book for me. I was quite surprised by the bookstore near her house. It was smaller than the Fahasa bookstore near my house. Yet, that bookstore already have Spice & Wolf 3 while mine haven't.

  Currently, my family is discussing what name should we change to when we get to Canada.

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