Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 2, 2017


  Let's continue talking about what happened on Sunday but more specifically this time. So the whole church came to our house. I showed my friend the games I ahd on my computer. I let him see how far I got on Team Fortress 2 since the last time he played the game, which was last year's summer. I realized that I frequently took the playing from him. However, I really hope that he will seriously consider about downloading Team Fortress 2 on his laptop, which I doubt will run as smoothly as mine. He seems doesn't like that idea because he was "afraid" that he had to play over again; not like there's a level system or something. Anyway, it sounded liek I took no parts in preparing the feast; but I actually attributed in some parts. I find the bowls and dishes and cups from upstairs. I washed all the cups. Next, I went out to buy soft drinks and instant noodles. The instant noodles were for the hot pot. Those I bought on Saturday night. On Sunday morning, however, I literally make three trips back and forth from the market. On the first trip, I bought some rat glue. Next, I bought somethings, which I had completely forgotten what it was. And in the last trip, I bought chillis. I also ordered and paid for the pizza. Of course, my parents paid me back all of those money.

  On Sunday's night, I watched G.I. Joe: Retaliation. This is the second movie of the G.I. Joe series after G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra. This movie talked about Cobra Commander's escape from an underground prison in Germany while the fake President gave order to attack the G. I. Joes. However, three of them survived. They sought out to rescue the President and stopped Cobra's plan to conquer the world using a new weapon system called Zeus. Zeus consist of six satellites with special bombs that were dropped from the satellite. It had the destruction several times of an atomic bomb.

  Yesterday, my dad and I setup the server. We downloaded server version of Ubuntu, which is quite similar to the normal version of Ubuntu. I didn't actually see it finished because I was too sleep by then. We actually started by downloading the version of Ubuntu similar to the on I had on my computer. But my dad and redownloaded it because the other version failed, I think. This lead him to download Ubuntu MATE.

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