Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 7, 2016


  Yesterday, I watched Jacksepticeye, Pewdiepie, Vanossgaming, and Kubz Scouts videos on YouTube. I actually watched Jacksepticeye's video more than the other's. I especially like the remix song made by Schoyomo for Jacksepticeye. The song name was All the Way. It was the best song made by Schoyomo I've ever heard, but mainly because I somehow always choose the random remix that wasn't good. I also watch Jacksepticeye play the game Total Accurate Battle Simulator, or TABS. TABS was a game about buying men and put them into position then all charged forward even though the enemy had, like, 10 cannons like a bunch of dumbasses. I also watched him play Plague Inc. Plague Inc was about the conquering of a disease. We first choose a type of disease, like, bacteria, virus, necro virus, brain parasite, and others. Then, we evolve the diseases so they would infect the whole world then kill single people of the world. The winning condition are that we killed all humans. And the losing conditions are that either the cure is completed, or that the disease killed all of its hosts.  I didn't sleep until midnight because I read the third book of the Maze Runeer series, Death Escape.

  This morning, the alarm clock woke me up at six o'clock in the morning. But because it's raining and I can't walk, I turned of the alarm clock and went back to sleep. The next thing I know, my dad woke me up at somewhere around eight o'clock in the morning. By then, it was still raining outside. After my dad and I had our breakfast, we started to go to the dentist appointment which was made yesterday. I brought Death Escape with me but didn't brought the Kindle. I somehow, maybe because of habit, use the sandal that was slippery when wet. And I slipped when I arrived there. It hurts a bit. I didn't mind it. When we arrived there, the dentist that made the appointment with us wasn't there yet, so I wait a bit by reading Death Escape. When the dentist arrived, I went in, and when we finished the first half of the treatment, I went out to take a x-ray picture of my teeth. The dentist also stuck two pieces of iron in my mouth. I don't like it. When I returned, the dentist was treating another patient. I had to wait for a while until it was my turn. When we returned home, I started to learn the first two subject, history and English. But because it's rain today, I think it was the worst day ever in July. Frankly, except the fact that I could sleep more, it freaking sucks. 

  This afternoon, my parents went out and I learn the last two subjects, math and science. After that, I sleep for a while. After I woke up, I finish some of my works. I also cook the vegetable of our meal today. 

  Thus evening, before we eat dinner, my dad and I watched a movie called Chained. Chained was a movie about  movie star when he was abducted. After I finished my blog entry, I might watch movie on the television.

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