Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 7, 2016


  Yesterday, we ate ice cream in our family meeting. We ate durian flavored ice cream. It had been a long time since the last time we ate Vinamilk durian flavored ice cream. It actually taste pretty good. It might be my second favorite Vinamilk ice cream flavor. The first being chocolate. My younger sister had a own small box of strawberry and vanilla flavored ice cream. But she put it improperly so the box we crush between the refrigerator door.

  This morning, I walked even faster than yesterday. The time today was some where around fourty-two minutes and thirty seconds. It was one of the fastest time of three miles walk that I had ever had. Anyway, when I go out to buy breakfast this morning and almost arrived there, I remembered that I don't have to buy breakfast because we had some leftover rice from yesterday's dinner. For lunch, I had my favorite dish, but I don't know who to call it in English. In school, we finally learn about tangent. The tangent is the ratio of the opposite leg to the adjacent leg. The formula is tangent equals opposite leg over adjacent leg. Tangent was different from cosines and sines because it was the only ratio that was greater than 1.000. 

  This afternoon, I've finished the Sherlock Holmes stories and started to read the biography of George Washington. I actually upgraded one of my Lego Mocs so it could change its hand into a hook. It was pretty sick. And by sick, I mean cool. I also give him a katana like sword that could be put by his hip. And I also make the same thing for another MOC that was based on the first one. The other one had a "retractable" laser gun on his arm. The first one also had on gun on his arm, but it couldn't retract. 

This evening, we my dad and I walk together as always, I started to walk fast. And then we all walk fast. I was tired during the walk too, but we keep on going. I think we did walk faster than we usually did. Anyway, tonight, we're gonna watch movie. But I stills have to read the biography of George Washington first. Just now, my dad just taught about how to find the height of a tree using tangent. It was quite annoying to me. I had taught of a way but using the cosine and not the tangent. After I learn new English words, I could watch movie. 

Tomorrow, I'm gonna go back to the dentist so they could continue their work on my teeth. It might hurt a bit. But I'm not worry since the marrow in my front teeth, the teeth that received the most damage, had been taken out; and no pain could ever be felt by that teeth, ever again. 

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