Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 4, 2017


  Yesterday, I watched a movie called Doom. Dwayne Johnson starring as a sergeant of the space marines. In this movie, the space marines are sent to protect the property of a research center on Mars. There are scientist that were changed into monster due to the expiriments conducted there. It was surprising to see Dwayne Johnson in that movie since movies inspired by video games don't aren't gonna be famous, thus don't often attract famous actors. But this movie was made in 2005, and I don't think that Dwayne Johnson was famous by then. But amaybe I was wrong. Maybe famous actors do played in movies inspired by video games. One example is Assasin's Creed the Movie. This movie had Michael Fassbender, the actor who star as a main character in the movie called Macbeth. I also observed that Dwayne Johnson almost always had a beard in action movies but not in comedy movies. The only exception to this theory that I know of is the movie Doom. Doom certainly isn't a comedy movie. It actually was classified as "horror sci-fi movie" by Wikipedia. I searched this on Wikipedia via my Kindle.

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