Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 4, 2017


  So I might have forgot to make blog entries for the last few days in this week. That is why I am going to summarize the important facts here.

  On Monday, my dad and I go watched Fast & Furious 8 in cinema. The movie was pretty good. To me, it was better than Fast & Furious 7. Luckily, it wa the first Monday of April, which there is a promotion that said that a 2D movie ticket would only cost 45,000 vnd. Before the movie started, we went down to the bookstore just to check if there are some good books. I bought another book written by Rick Riordan. This book is in another series called Magnus Chase. Magnus Chase was the name of the main protagonist. This series, however, doesn't seem to be in Camp Half-Blood Chronicle, which talked about Percy Jackson's adventure. This series talked about Norse gods instead of Greek or Roman gods.

  Today, I had finally received the email about the recommendation letter. I had sent the request for recommendation letter and report cards. I also finished my experiment of seeing if everything is easier to break when they are frozen. I had 3 specimens. First one is a tissue paper. Second one is a onion leaf. And third is a soft plastic tube. My hypothesis is that the first two will break easily. They are already tin and soft and would break easily of harden. The results is what I expected. The onion leaf is the easiest to break. The tissue paper is a little bit harder. I broke the ice, but some of the tissuewere  still intact. The soft plastic tube doesn't break at all. Tonight, I would have to write a oral presentation for tomorrow on my expiriment.

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