Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 4, 2017


  Nothing much to talk about yesterday's night except that I watched YouTube instead of watchign movies on the television, again. But there is also another reason. On second thought, nevermind. I was about to say that the reason is that my younger sister is watching movie on the television. But that wasn't on Wednesday's night. It was actually on Tuesday's night. My dad had some of his friends coming over. They talked about Dash and learn about installing masternode from my dad. They doesn't go home until quite late at night. One of those two friends is my uncle. He went home at 11:00 pm while the other person went home at 3:00 am today.

  This morning, I woke up quite late. And by late, I mean ten minutes later than usually. That means it was 8:10 am. Unfortunately, my DVD player's remote controller was broken since yesterday's evening. I was unable to control anything. As the result, I had to do all the book works and read the textbooks instead of watching the videos. However, I am able to solve that problem. I used tapes and tissue paper to fix it. It works quite good. It works 11 out of 12 times I press a button after I was able to fixed it. That was one of the things that I have ever achieved and make me proud. In fact, that was the thing that made me proudest today.

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